Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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This I Believe - Christian and Muslim inter-religious dialogue

Badru D. Kateregga / David W. Shenk. 2005th What I believe. A Muslim and a Christian in an interview. Black Box: Neufeld Verlag.

Practical - informative - well worth reading. The book offers a practical insight into the practice of inter-religious dialogue. Here is not searching for the anonymous Christian or Muslim in disguise, hidden in each other's religion. Not a theoretical treatise on the principles of dialogue in a complicated German theologian. It becomes concrete. A walk to understand the words, a genuine encounter between friends who know each other and respect, especially in their differences.
Add to this that the book offers an informative insight into the basics of the two great world religions.
helpful reading value and in many ways. (Alfred Meier, 11.2010)

conversation, the two leaders, their approaches to a better understanding of the other religion aims are both experts in their field. ... In "What I believe" it is by no means the mere discussion of controversial topics, not just about controversy in order, for example, political situations or constellations. On the contrary Kateregga and Shenk first explain actually quite literally, what they believe ... Each paragraph ends with a rejoinder to the other side and then sometimes with a further clarification of the author of the original point. Thus, a description of both religions were of great vitality, which can be missed despite the personal form in no factuality or care. ... And last but not least is in this conversation tatsächlich der Keim der Hoffnung, dass ein interreligiöses Miteinanderauskommen nicht nur wünschenswert, sondern auch umsetzbar ist. (Katharina Kleppe) (www.3sat.de, Januar 2007)


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