Now the question arises: What has the Congress? As the results will be commented?
Referring to the Lausanne Covenant of 1974, which states that the Lausanne Movement was started to encourage the Church to world evangelism in our generation and to engage in public and social affairs and equip notes Padilla that present the dichotomy between evangelism and social action, especially in the Western world still is. The Congress of Cape Town, so Padilla, wants the town "inspire new" and strengthen the evangelistic commitment, but the perception of social responsibility to encourage "only ".
To commemorate the efforts for equality of the two mentioned Aspects, reference is made to the Article 5 of the Lausanne Movement:
"We repent for our neglect and for that we have sometimes regarded evangelism and social concern as mutually exclusive. Reconciliation between people is not reconciliation with God, nor is social action evangelism, political freedom is not salvation. Nevertheless we affirm that evangelism and socio-political involvement are both part of our duty as Christians. For both necessary expressions of our doctrines of God and man, our love for our neighbor and our obedience to Jesus Christ. "
These distinctions in word choice for the representatives from Africa and Latin America, and theologians representing the integrative-holistic mission approach, not just word games, but signs that the western evangelicalism would still retain the theology of the Lausanne movement in the hands .
Padilla referred to the Bible study on Ephesians 2.14 (Jesus Christ is our peace). It was in Cape Town noted that constitute the being and action of Jesus, his words and his actions a unit and not separated can be. Shalom is more comprehensive peace, fullness of life, the spiritual and social well-being and stresses the intact, harmonious relationship with God and man alike.
The Mission of the Church is inclusive and includes what it says and what it does.
The Mission of God and the mission of the church affect the whole person, the whole community of people, all aspects of life and creation.
The following day, however, when it came to the interpretation of Ephesians 3, the speaker stressed further, Padilla, that the church should primarily take care of the "eternal suffering of the people." The result is that the evangelization of the lost priority (Padilla literally, ella se preocupa especialmente por el sufrimiento eterno consecuentemente y está llamada a Prioridad constitute a la de los perdidos evangelization).
the sentence, which many delegates have accepted as decisive: "We preach to the suffering on earth, but not enough to the suffering in eternity" - reflects the re-prioritization of evangelism and the artificial, favored by Western evangelicals But the majority of Christians in the world incomprehensible dichotomy between evangelism and social involvement.
The critical assessment of development in Cape Town has become clear is shared not only by theologians of the South. Which have arisen in the matter differences described as the German Baptist Michael Kißkalt (lecturer at the FH Elstal) as follows:
"During the week rise to two partially incompatible trends: On one side of the American-style evangelicalism, of its objectives, is to "unreached by the gospel" to evangelize. On the other side, many Christians reported from the southern "majority world" word, which occurred chosen a mission approach in which evangelism, social and political commitment are inseparable. So one morning the lists and statistics of the unreached peoples were discussed, another wounded the world with its many social, economic and political injustices. Too bad that the changes in the host country, South Africa - were not identified, although proving it in these challenges, the Christian community as a pioneer - from apartheid toward a multicultural society.
It is hoped that the different tendencies are stronger in the evangelical world with one other. One thing is certain: the world Christianity is in the future much more on the dynamic cultures and peoples of the southern and Asian World are shaped. They take their mission with enthusiasm and dedication true holistic. Finding the North American and European Christianity has in this dynamic place. "
Padilla complains further that the delegates did not have the necessary time to discuss the deficiencies addressed thoroughly. The document will be reflected Congress (part 1), by Christopher Wright and his was developed theological task force before the congress, was not distributed in time to have deepened during the Congress to. There was no time for personal comments or responding to specific Questions.
At the request of a group of older participants through the document to make available all the time, the management of Congress replied: But has the time been missing!
Padilla assessed these events as a sign that the Lausanne movement is still far from a genuine partnership. This is, however, a fundamental basis for the global movement of Christians and the world mission.
time was, however, remained sufficient to discuss one brought in by North American paper on the "strategy of world evangelization in this generation," with extensive statistical material. According to Padilla
reflects this strategy, the "Obsession of numbers that is typical of the evangelical movement in the U.S.. " The presented list of the "unreached people groups" did not correspond to the reality on the ground. This one would have the delegates from the countries that are home to the "unreached" question can in order to obtain a realistic picture. Padilla also complained that the list would have been interesting to contain any ethnic group in the United States.
another deficiency see Padilla and Kißkalt that the abolition of apartheid and the political and spiritual transformation in South Africa had not been mentioned. Amazingly, as the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, where the conference was held, is on the ruins of the Southern District of Cape Town been built. From this area in the 1950s, 60,000 blacks are forcibly evicted and their houses have been destroyed. The area was subsequently settled exclusively by whites to be released. In view of the priority theme of "reconciliation" would have to be discussed this development and encourage the Congress to clear words in terms of "social justice" have to. The application of Special Interest Group, to condemn the theological heresy of apartheid, but was rejected. Instead, the only social needs, the legacy of apartheid leave have regrets.
Padilla wonders how seriously it takes the Lausanne movement with the Article 5 of the Lausanne Covenant:
"The message of salvation implies also a message of the Court of any form of alienation, oppression and discrimination. We are not afraid to denounce evil and injustice wherever they exist. When people receive Christ they are born again into His kingdom. You have to try to portray His righteousness, not just the midst of an unjust world and spread. The salvation we claim should be transforming us in all our personal and social responsibility. Faith without works is dead "
Padilla is finally determined in his opinion, that is the focus of Christianity in recent years clearly shifted from north to south and from west to east. Nevertheless, he had the impression that the Christian leaders from the north and west, particularly from the United States, still largely felt responsible for the development of world missionary strategies and the evangelization of the world.
The administration of material resources and relevant decision-making powers still remain in the hands of the North and West.
My conclusion: Do not change the world congresses, but the firm and strong engagement in the centers of the world. Congress will only achieve a motivating, unifying power, if all participants feel that their employees truly desired, and the arguments to be heard seriously.
Hopefully, appear that the official report to Congress in Cape Town band, the beginning of 2011, that addresses concerns expressed by Padilla theological concerns.
If not, then would ask the Christians of the southern hemisphere to right: Does it make sense to engage in a movement that occurs in the crucial theological questions on the spot and the concerns of the majority of Christians do not seriously enough?
Alfred Meier , November 2010
The article by René Padilla found in English at http://www.kairos.org.ar/blog/?p=469
The report by Michael Kißkalt is available at : http://www.baptisten.de/aktuelles/nachrichten-lesen-4/bericht-michael-kisskalt/)
The Congress website at: http://www.lausanne.org/cape- town-2010
opinion of Latin American Christians http://www.lausanne.org/articles/latin-american-voices-address-the-global-church.html
The first part of the Cape Town Commitments (24.10 .10): http://conversation.lausanne.org/en/conversations/detail/11544
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