Siegfried Grossmann: "Almost always, when missionaries went out to get people to preach the Gospel, they brought a serious 'incident' with. Because it also imported the western culture, often in conjunction with the political demands of the colonial powers. On the one hand, they freed the Menschen zu der Freiheit, die im Neuen Testament als Wirkung des Heiligen Geistes beschrieben wird, um sie auf der anderen Seite kulturell und politisch zu knechten. [...] Eine wirkliche Wende ist bis heute nicht erfolgt, aber langsam erwachsen aus zarten Ansätzen Beispiele, wie es gelingen kann, das Evangelium kontextuell zu verkündigen, also in Übereinstimmung mit der Tradition und Kultur der Menschen, zu denen es gelangen soll. Missionare mit westlicher Kulturtradition müssen dazu einen langen Weg der Selbstverleugnung gehen, ehe ihnen das gelingt.” Alfred Meier: Ute Frank and Paul do not design mission theological theory. Give reasons and specific and clearly tell what they experienced in their years of service as guests in the Argentine Chaco. It becomes clear that their kind of mission is not an accident, but beruht.Mission on a solid conviction and missiological reflection means life to share and support people as partners, and to become sensitive to the needs of people and their context. The missionary is not a conqueror, not of a country, nor a "mission field", nor of people. He is a companion, one of the time shares and thereby learns more than he is able to give. There are no presentable projects, no impressive statistics. There are "only" encounters at eye level and the holistic commitment to the real needs -. For spiritual and social, the story is authentic, honest, it radiates heat. The book is impressive and invites applications in other contexts. And ... The book proves that mission is another way.
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