Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wendy Calio Wearing Bikini


The Ironman Arizona history ... and I am unfortunately not in the result list.
I'm doing now but even better!
And my motivation is back again! 10. April 2011 Ironman South Africa!

congratulations, I would like the other Austrians in Arizona at the start were. Have all taken a great performance!

Thomy Gölles with his first Ironman finish. Despite a flat tire in almost an hour cost has shown strength!
Bernd Pöllerbauer the 4th to the would have space in the M25 won the Hawaii slot!
My coach Henry Sickel of only 9 seconds, the sub was verbasste and total 15 ter.

meantime, we are already on our tour! Below are some pictures ... and there will be many!

Red Rock Country in Sedona

Grand Canyon ...

where it was below freezing snow incl. Down in the canyon but it was pleasant hot! Are also more than 1000 meters in altitude.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Prignancy Care Detail

Out of Race !!!!!!!!!!

And that's before it started for me at all!

On the way to CheckIn I crashed the bike. I slipped my TransitionBag while driving between the spokes. The
Schurfwunden the hip, shoulder and hand, I did not notice at the beginning. It was my right arm hurt like hell.

wheel also had a sack in the 8th and the wheel pants, it has also torn between the spokes.

hoped at the beginning I did that the pain would subside, but become more and more.
In the transition area I was then slowly aware that a start will not be possible.
then had to fight with the recent disappointment (Klagenfurt) to pretty .....
So much energy, time and money put into the project Arizona ....
And I felt better than ever .....
.... Two hours later

the diagnosis in the hospital: fracture of the elbow head

career but in the next 2 weeks anyway tell about the trip to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Maybe you stop by now and then on my blog.

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New Town players are no longer interested in Neustadt?

Schöttel Peter says after the infamous 0-3 home defeat against storm, the mood in the squad is as if all the players already had offers from other clubs and could not whole-heartedly in Neustadt in the matter.

"We lost earned were harmless, without emotions of place. ... To me it seems somehow as if each player had offers from other clubs. The burden of course strongly and is difficult to hide. But the fact is that all current contracts have. We normally try to keep working. "

If even the new SC Wr. Neustadt to the disposal Stronach dissolves, I should have at least thought that the players want to play in the delivery to next year when other clubs have better maps? Unless you have already negotiated a contract and will not play against the future employer too much for him to do no harm? In today's game against the storm still thought occurs that sponsors yes Stronach recently, the SK Sturm. Perverted, unathletic, disgusting thought.

But anyway, all of which in the past two years on the new FC Magna Wr. New Town have admitted, is more than ever, flexibility required.

How To Confirm Pregnat

0-3 at home to Sturm - Oh no!

conceded in injury time, the two Gnackwatschen. It would be more than 90 minutes what was inside. But now we are where we belong: firmly fixed in the lower half of the table, just once against relegation. Though: This year is all together very tight. Let's see what happens next in the spring, and how we the last two away games Kapfenberg and compete against the home battle against Mattersburg. If we claim the upper half of the table, we have to win these games. But as we have in the 2-1 defeat against LASK in the 11th Round had to do: The games against supposedly weaker opponents are the most difficult. Today, the storm was obviously not the case.

How Long Takes Temazepam Works

Tomorrow is the big day

is still checked in, once "trained" means any discipline short!
I feel very good! The shape fits! Looking forward to the race.

What goals do I have?
I'm here to have flown fun to hang out with nice people a good time and way to complete a cool Ironman.

I'm not here to be flown to finishing sub 9 or frantically to get a Hawaii slot.
Believe me now, maybe not everyone ... But Sun Just want to enjoy the race!
career but also give my best and will try in a good time to 8:59 or 9:50 finnish if I do not care.
Will also try to achieve a good result. But whether it be at the end of the 1st or the 20th Space is I do not care.

Of course I like to take the slot, it should work against sub 9 and I had nothing, but I will certainly go not only focused on the race! The mistakes I've made already this year in Klagenfurt.

I just give my best tomorrow, have fun and enjoy the race.
With this attitude I am actually so relaxed as never before an Ironman!

gaze plays what comes out at the end :-)

video and intermediate results can be found on my race number is 215

Keep me luck!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Royal Blue Shirt Black Tie

The Jesus Model based community like Jesus - the new book by Dietrich Schindler

    Dietrich Schindler. 2010th The Jesus model. Community-based like Jesus. SCM R. Brockhaus. € 14.95
How can it happen that a newly formed community is experiencing such strong growth, they soon returned power to establish a new community? Dietrich Schindler to surprising answers. He shows how Jesus himself founded his church, and thereby comes to new, inspiring insights.
With many examples and very lifelike Schindler describes how community foundations can bring multiple fruit. A valuable and very helpful book for anyone who is the founding of new, strong communities at heart. (SCM)

The book is impressive because it sound, is with Biblical references, the relationship-oriented, missionary church work in the foreground. Schindler succeeds in a transparent manner to encourage its readers to engage in the process of church planting. The case for this model are not actions and complex intra-municipal utilities in the foreground, no expensive building, but networks, partnerships and personal relationship work. Natural relationships and encounters in everyday life are the most important and promising "method" of council houses shown. (Alfred Meier, 19/10/2010)

Cocktail Waitress At Strip Club

yet ... everything is relaxed

Yesterday we (Thomy, Bernd, Coach Henry, Peter, Manuela and me) left the bike course.
Is actually only just inside the middle of the desert / steppe ... you can see in the pictures.
Have a good feel for the race and on that route though I would be a mountainous profile custom.
But the training was coordinated in recent weeks on this flat track ... therefore there will go quite fast.

starting documents are also retrieved. My number: 215
gaze plays whether it brings happiness.

Today 2 days before the race is the day where nothing is done. Just relax, elevate legs and recharge your batteries!

The driver would be superfluous :-)

Quotes For Softball Pitcher

Lausanne III - a step forward and two steps back?

Lausanne III, the great Congress of World Evangelism was held under the theme: "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself "(2 Corinthians 5:19). Of 17 to 24 October came together over 4,000 delegates from 198 countries in Cape Town, South Africa. Never in the history of the evangelical movement is a Congress so intensely in the media were present as Lausanne III in Cape Town: 650 own websites to the Congress in 91 countries. Via the Internet it was possible to follow the lectures and responses. 100,000 entries from 185 countries were registered.
Now the question arises: What has the Congress? As the results will be commented?
René Padilla , connoisseurs of the Lausanne movement (already a participant in 1974 in Lausanne and in 1989 in Manila) Argentine and renowned theologian, presented in his report on the conference in Cape Town (see "El futuro del Movimiento de Lausana: www . is first out the positive aspects: the Bible study in groups of texts from Ephesians, the great community of the world mission dedicated individuals and organizations, the impressive reports from the worldwide mission work, prayer - especially for the persecuted Christians, the informal exchange of models contextualized mission and mutual encouragement. For Christians from the southern hemisphere in particular have three themes emerged, which for them is of great importance: globalization, environmental crisis and the question of social justice and balance between rich and poor. In addition, Padilla speaks in terms of the progress and results of Lausanne III also "serias deficiencias" from serious deficits in German: from 'serious Deficiencies ".
Referring to the Lausanne Covenant of 1974, which states that the Lausanne Movement was started to encourage the Church to world evangelism in our generation and to engage in public and social affairs and equip notes Padilla that present the dichotomy between evangelism and social action, especially in the Western world still is. The Congress of Cape Town, so Padilla, wants the town "inspire new" and strengthen the evangelistic commitment, but the perception of social responsibility to encourage "only ".
To commemorate the efforts for equality of the two mentioned Aspects, reference is made to the Article 5 of the Lausanne Movement:

"We repent for our neglect and for that we have sometimes regarded evangelism and social concern as mutually exclusive. Reconciliation between people is not reconciliation with God, nor is social action evangelism, political freedom is not salvation. Nevertheless we affirm that evangelism and socio-political involvement are both part of our duty as Christians. For both necessary expressions of our doctrines of God and man, our love for our neighbor and our obedience to Jesus Christ. "

sound The words of 1974 for honest insight, according to current behavior and a loss-loss-theology. The article also stresses the equal commitment to evangelism and practical charity as theological equivalent and in practice, not to be separated aspects of a biblical Great Commission.

The publications and reports from Lausanne III in 2010 but one can not help feeling that is still dominating the implicit assumption that the main task of the church is evangelism that is purely oral communication of the Gospel. By contrast, the interest in good works, as light act in the world for the glory of God (Matt. 5:16), only a secondary object of the Christians. Padilla noted: To social commitment of Christians only admonished (Padilla literally exhortar a los cristianos a su responsabilidad social Respecto). The evangelism of the community is strengthened, however (literally FORTALECE, inspirar equipar y a la Iglesia para la evangelization) are forced by a new inspiration, and that appropriate facilities are made possible (and even theological material?). Striking feature is the distinction of Christians is the one that should be socially involved and the community on the other hand, when it comes to evangelism goes. Social involvement is merely a private matter of individual Christians and evangelism up to the whole church as an institution with all its possibilities?
These distinctions in word choice for the representatives from Africa and Latin America, and theologians representing the integrative-holistic mission approach, not just word games, but signs that the western evangelicalism would still retain the theology of the Lausanne movement in the hands .
Padilla referred to the Bible study on Ephesians 2.14 (Jesus Christ is our peace). It was in Cape Town noted that constitute the being and action of Jesus, his words and his actions a unit and not separated can be. Shalom is more comprehensive peace, fullness of life, the spiritual and social well-being and stresses the intact, harmonious relationship with God and man alike.
The Mission of the Church is inclusive and includes what it says and what it does.
The Mission of God and the mission of the church affect the whole person, the whole community of people, all aspects of life and creation.

The following day, however, when it came to the interpretation of Ephesians 3, the speaker stressed further, Padilla, that the church should primarily take care of the "eternal suffering of the people." The result is that the evangelization of the lost priority (Padilla literally, ella se preocupa especialmente por el sufrimiento eterno consecuentemente y está llamada a Prioridad constitute a la de los perdidos evangelization).

the sentence, which many delegates have accepted as decisive: "We preach to the suffering on earth, but not enough to the suffering in eternity" - reflects the re-prioritization of evangelism and the artificial, favored by Western evangelicals But the majority of Christians in the world incomprehensible dichotomy between evangelism and social involvement.

The critical assessment of development in Cape Town has become clear is shared not only by theologians of the South. Which have arisen in the matter differences described as the German Baptist Michael Kißkalt (lecturer at the FH Elstal) as follows:

"During the week rise to two partially incompatible trends: On one side of the American-style evangelicalism, of its objectives, is to "unreached by the gospel" to evangelize. On the other side, many Christians reported from the southern "majority world" word, which occurred chosen a mission approach in which evangelism, social and political commitment are inseparable. So one morning the lists and statistics of the unreached peoples were discussed, another wounded the world with its many social, economic and political injustices. Too bad that the changes in the host country, South Africa - were not identified, although proving it in these challenges, the Christian community as a pioneer - from apartheid toward a multicultural society.
It is hoped that the different tendencies are stronger in the evangelical world with one other. One thing is certain: the world Christianity is in the future much more on the dynamic cultures and peoples of the southern and Asian World are shaped. They take their mission with enthusiasm and dedication true holistic. Finding the North American and European Christianity has in this dynamic place. "

Padilla complains further that the delegates did not have the necessary time to discuss the deficiencies addressed thoroughly. The document will be reflected Congress (part 1), by Christopher Wright and his was developed theological task force before the congress, was not distributed in time to have deepened during the Congress to. There was no time for personal comments or responding to specific Questions.
At the request of a group of older participants through the document to make available all the time, the management of Congress replied: But has the time been missing!
Padilla assessed these events as a sign that the Lausanne movement is still far from a genuine partnership. This is, however, a fundamental basis for the global movement of Christians and the world mission.
time was, however, remained sufficient to discuss one brought in by North American paper on the "strategy of world evangelization in this generation," with extensive statistical material. According to Padilla
reflects this strategy, the "Obsession of numbers that is typical of the evangelical movement in the U.S.. " The presented list of the "unreached people groups" did not correspond to the reality on the ground. This one would have the delegates from the countries that are home to the "unreached" question can in order to obtain a realistic picture. Padilla also complained that the list would have been interesting to contain any ethnic group in the United States.
another deficiency see Padilla and Kißkalt that the abolition of apartheid and the political and spiritual transformation in South Africa had not been mentioned. Amazingly, as the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, where the conference was held, is on the ruins of the Southern District of Cape Town been built. From this area in the 1950s, 60,000 blacks are forcibly evicted and their houses have been destroyed. The area was subsequently settled exclusively by whites to be released. In view of the priority theme of "reconciliation" would have to be discussed this development and encourage the Congress to clear words in terms of "social justice" have to. The application of Special Interest Group, to condemn the theological heresy of apartheid, but was rejected. Instead, the only social needs, the legacy of apartheid leave have regrets.
Padilla wonders how seriously it takes the Lausanne movement with the Article 5 of the Lausanne Covenant:

"The message of salvation implies also a message of the Court of any form of alienation, oppression and discrimination. We are not afraid to denounce evil and injustice wherever they exist. When people receive Christ they are born again into His kingdom. You have to try to portray His righteousness, not just the midst of an unjust world and spread. The salvation we claim should be transforming us in all our personal and social responsibility. Faith without works is dead "

Padilla is finally determined in his opinion, that is the focus of Christianity in recent years clearly shifted from north to south and from west to east. Nevertheless, he had the impression that the Christian leaders from the north and west, particularly from the United States, still largely felt responsible for the development of world missionary strategies and the evangelization of the world.
The administration of material resources and relevant decision-making powers still remain in the hands of the North and West.

My conclusion: Do not change the world congresses, but the firm and strong engagement in the centers of the world. Congress will only achieve a motivating, unifying power, if all participants feel that their employees truly desired, and the arguments to be heard seriously.
Hopefully, appear that the official report to Congress in Cape Town band, the beginning of 2011, that addresses concerns expressed by Padilla theological concerns.
If not, then would ask the Christians of the southern hemisphere to right: Does it make sense to engage in a movement that occurs in the crucial theological questions on the spot and the concerns of the majority of Christians do not seriously enough?
Alfred Meier , November 2010

The article by René Padilla found in English at
The report by Michael Kißkalt is available at :
The Congress website at: town-2010
opinion of Latin American Christians
The first part of the Cape Town Commitments (24.10 .10):

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Girdles And Nylonstockings

The Pentecostal movement in Brazil

liberation of the poor commercial or quackery?

Michael Vollmann

Pentecostal Christian (pentecostal) movements that emphasize the action of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians, in addition to the Islam is the fastest growing religions in the world. Its worldwide fan base is now estimated at half a billion people, making it the most important phenomenon of contemporary Christianity. In the largest Catholic country in the world have moved to coordinate religious and so Brazil is now by far the country with the largest number of Pentecostal denominations. But, on closer examination a large plurality in the Christian charismatic movement which seems free from all dogmatic and institutional structures. What is the ethic of this movement, who are their supporters and what so many people moved to follow her?
The expansion of the Pentecostals and the current situation in Brazil
feel under State Census today, almost a century after the arrival of Pentecostals in Brazil in 1910, about 17.7 million Brazilians - 10.4% of the total population - belong to this Christian stream. That they represent one-third of the total Protestants in the country. Impressive and, for many Brazilians also inspired fear is above all the growth of Pentecostal movements in the last two decades. They could double their supporters since 1980, every ten years, which, in contrast to the long sharply declining Catholicism and Protestantism slowly growing to the fastest growing religion makes in Brazil. It is also amazing the seemingly ever-faster dynamics of growth. Thus, the Pentecostal Church 1940-1991 with an average annual growth increased from 4.9% between 1991 and 2000, however, at 8.3%. Even if one assumes that the number of Pentecostals was underestimated until 1991, can still see at least an undeniable trend.

Great initiative
conText is an open platform for all who want to browse with us in the dark corners of the political establishment - as a reader, editor or writer.

Our topics are wide-ranging and follow particular two requirements: You must be politically relevant and interesting journalism.

conText is part of Lupe eV , a student organization that was founded in summer 2005 at the University of Passau.

Here is the homepage:

conText owes the idea of establishing a typical Passau phenomenon: the fluctuation in foreign countries is a result towards the internationally-oriented courses here are particularly high. We wanted to create a platform that benefits from the experience of "foreign correspondents" and fills a blank spot in the university newspaper landscape to life. The focus on international policy was therefore given a priori. However, since the "outside" without "inside" is possible, also provide a crucial pillar of domestic articles of the journal dar.

conText went with the first issue in December 2006 to the start and appears once or twice per semester in an edition of 1.000 Piece. We also provide one month after the print edition the article on this site online.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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lake in the desert

Today was eventful!

biking in the morning 1:10. Did the competition Put a little visit. But have caught the wrong turn. Now she is
tomorrow left with a "Steiererpartie. More on that tomorrow ... In the afternoon we drove

Stainzer Passail with the Sickler family and Reichenpfadern to Lake Barlett. A reservoir lake to the north of Scottsdale in the desert.
there it was really fantastic. were there in the bay alone.
course we use the lake for swimming training.

And as I'm used to coach Henry again a bissl adventurous! If
across the lake ... the very large lake ... swam to the other side.
War but a lot of fun. After that we enjoyed at 25 degrees a little sun.

Then we went to Cave Creek. A small western town where we went to eat Mexican.
was a beautiful day!

to sport:
Feel me every day bissl better. The jet lag is almost overcome and the shape tapers together beautiful too slow!
I think this will be a good race :-)


Cave Creek

Lake Barlett

The Stainzerbuam .. Thomy us I

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Only 5 days ...

Today, the competition area was visited. Transition area and swim most of the running track. Conclusion: Like me! I think I can be quick ;-)
's training was also run ... 40 minutes ... G1 form fits! However, the lung does not yet completely. I hope that I get out until Sunday. Chamomile tea to inhale is already bought.

What else happened this way?
A round trip "without purpose" with the Passailer secondment ... the sun would they see now is the
Atizona Mills Shopping Center in Tempe (to the delight of Stainzer secondment :-)
Seiersberg other hand, is small.
The prey: Levi's jeans, short shorts and Oakley Oakley Long Shirt and all 70 Dallar (50 €)

morning we leave with the bike the race course. Then there again photos!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ship Departure Times From Pier Head Liverpool

defeat against league leaders

, revenge for the 0-5 did not succeed. The SC has lost against SV Ried 2-0 away.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Do I Plug In My Ceiling Fan

Support instead of conquering - an alternative practice mission

Ute and Frank Paul. 2010th Support instead of conquering missionaries as guests in nordargentinischen Chaco. Black Box: Neufeld.

Siegfried Grossmann: "Almost always, when missionaries went out to get people to preach the Gospel, they brought a serious 'incident' with. Because it also imported the western culture, often in conjunction with the political demands of the colonial powers. On the one hand, they freed the Menschen zu der Freiheit, die im Neuen Testament als Wirkung des Heiligen Geistes beschrieben wird, um sie auf der anderen Seite kulturell und politisch zu knechten. [...]  Eine wirkliche Wende ist bis heute nicht erfolgt, aber langsam erwachsen aus zarten Ansätzen Beispiele, wie es gelingen kann, das Evangelium kontextuell zu verkündigen, also in Übereinstimmung mit der Tradition und Kultur der Menschen, zu denen es gelangen soll. Missionare mit westlicher Kulturtradition müssen dazu einen langen Weg der Selbstverleugnung gehen, ehe ihnen das gelingt.”                                                                                                                                 Alfred Meier: Ute Frank and Paul do not design mission theological theory. Give reasons and specific and clearly tell what they experienced in their years of service as guests in the Argentine Chaco. It becomes clear that their kind of mission is not an accident, but beruht.Mission on a solid conviction and missiological reflection means life to share and support people as partners, and to become sensitive to the needs of people and their context. The missionary is not a conqueror, not of a country, nor a "mission field", nor of people. He is a companion, one of the time shares and thereby learns more than he is able to give. There are no presentable projects, no impressive statistics. There are "only" encounters at eye level and the holistic commitment to the real needs -. For spiritual and social, the story is authentic, honest, it radiates heat. The book is impressive and invites applications in other contexts. And ... The book proves that mission is another way.

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This I Believe - Christian and Muslim inter-religious dialogue

Badru D. Kateregga / David W. Shenk. 2005th What I believe. A Muslim and a Christian in an interview. Black Box: Neufeld Verlag.

Practical - informative - well worth reading. The book offers a practical insight into the practice of inter-religious dialogue. Here is not searching for the anonymous Christian or Muslim in disguise, hidden in each other's religion. Not a theoretical treatise on the principles of dialogue in a complicated German theologian. It becomes concrete. A walk to understand the words, a genuine encounter between friends who know each other and respect, especially in their differences.
Add to this that the book offers an informative insight into the basics of the two great world religions.
helpful reading value and in many ways. (Alfred Meier, 11.2010)

conversation, the two leaders, their approaches to a better understanding of the other religion aims are both experts in their field. ... In "What I believe" it is by no means the mere discussion of controversial topics, not just about controversy in order, for example, political situations or constellations. On the contrary Kateregga and Shenk first explain actually quite literally, what they believe ... Each paragraph ends with a rejoinder to the other side and then sometimes with a further clarification of the author of the original point. Thus, a description of both religions were of great vitality, which can be missed despite the personal form in no factuality or care. ... And last but not least is in this conversation tatsächlich der Keim der Hoffnung, dass ein interreligiöses Miteinanderauskommen nicht nur wünschenswert, sondern auch umsetzbar ist. (Katharina Kleppe) (, Januar 2007)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Much Is A Haircut In Bench Fix?

And this time it worked: 1-0 against Salzburg!

The victory is perfect. Englich a huge success came against the Star Club in the West!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kate S Playground Foot Conspiracy

Orlando's sharp idea

Because the hand-picked groups at my bar absolutely do not like to discuss with me about George W. Bush and the heyday of the new millennium - and to celebrate in Washington, meanwhile, the Conservatives Tea Party (hip hip hoorray, guys and girls!) - I offer on this channel for a change, something lighter fare

The debate about the real issues, meanwhile, runs at our brother blog, the Maxwort further!

Light food is thus the motto and since I "invented" a recipe that is light but extremely tasty. It is a fantasy court - an edible Asian stereotype - that I just about the Korean Peninsula (was like I imagine them, unfortunately, never been there ...) assign, is of Korean and Japanese recipes are inspired . And yet it can be produced without exotic, expensive ingredients.

Spicy Korean beef with cucumber

Take (for 2 persons):

- 400 g Rindsplätzli or sliced into fine strips (or cubes)
- 3 cloves into slices and 2 spring onions cut
- 1 to 2 red chili pepper, seeded and cut into small slices
- 1 dl soy Auche
- 50 ml Teryakisauce and 5-10 dash hot chili sauce (Asia shelf in Migros)
- sherry or White Wine

Depending on your preference, the sharpness meter. Ingredients and mix well and let marinate at room temperature for about 2 hours. Prepare Meanwhile, the cucumbers:

- 1 large cucumber
- salt and lemon juice
- exotic herbal blend for example, Migros
- Rice (normal Carolina or possibly fragrant rice, not basmati)

Peel cucumbers and cut in half lengthways, remove seeds with a teaspoon of whole and cut into slices. Add the fresh herbs. Absolutely must be there fresh coriander. This may somewhat mint or lime leaf. But is also coriander and chives. Lemon juice and salt over it and marinate in the refrigerator.

cook the rice. Cover and let stand.

the meat in a little sunflower oil fry, not too long. The (warm) rice dishes in the pot, pour the (hot) meat with sauce next to it and the (cooled) cucumbers next serve.

Serve with a fruit drink (I'm a fan of the new Fanta Zero) or beer. Please, no wine, the sharpness paralyzes the tongue, the wine would thus be wasted.

Eh, voila, bon appetit! It is really very tasty.

(Tip: I always take the bag of rice from Migros: 1 bag per person is completely sufficient).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Schwinn Spinning Bike Imitation

Missional or attraktional

Was ist eine missionale Kirche? Was ist neu daran und worin besteht der Unterschied zu einer herkömmlichen Kirche? Attraktional oder missional ? Begriffsakrobatik oder notwendiger Paradigmenwechsel?
Klick hier, schau Dir das Filmchen an und finde es heraus -                                                                                          

An informative website on developments of the missional congregation: