Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wish Happy Birthday To An Ex

Dear Mrs. Binswanger ... - Open letter to the best journalist of the year

For as you make your bed, now lie in it
It covers a since none of
And if one occurs, I am
And the one entered, then are du's

... Bertold Brecht wrote poetry in "Mahagonny." The old hedonistic, left sock has tried for so cynical to denounce what is so bad about capitalism but rather yet he has expressed in dramatic terms what's going on in any truly free society must depart. The price of freedom, this Freedom every day against those who do you take advantage and have your money's a good life, to defend. And secondly, you have the temptations of totalitarian resist offers and heteronomy, himself strong. And third, you may your opponents the field is not left without a fight , but must fight them there, where they meet, where they are vulnerable.

The Achilles heel of the Stalinists and their supporters in the Mom Blog is the internet. Wikileaks has shown it: there are no areas more quickly, where the suppression of the free flow of information can make with impunity and where the broad has shamelessly anti-democratic power of opinion inventory.

also the mom blog will be soon no longer a place where a unilateral radical ideas, favoritism based on criteria of ideological "correctness" self-appointed taste judges and sectarian ideologues can retreat into a protected area, against the opposition of liberal thinking people would be protected.
So we can every day, even every hour if his must register under new names always there and the censorship business into bankruptcy drive. This can be of course of different IP addresses do. And one such attack can not of course limited to the Mom blog alone: the Swiss blog scene is not huge, but clear. Mama quickly the blog gets caught in a bad light.

It is no longer-lived persistent stigma as a bad reputation, Mrs. Best Journalist of the Year "!

In my opinion you have failed colossally, Mrs. Binswanger. But there is a way out of their misery: you are the boss! So, only a little courage, Michèle! Orlando, Max and Eni are now unlocked on Mom Blog. There is no reason to be afraid in front of us. If we be respected by you and experienced the same treatment as other militant bloggers * also, we have no reason to put your project into question or even endangering.

Should not this my demand be met, threatens an ugly war. Sorry!



* Catherine, Pippi Longstocking, Globetrotter, Auguste etc. etc.


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