Sunday, January 30, 2011

Howto Build Ultrasonic Fogger

end of Block 1

The training cycle is 4 days 1day load regeneration.
And tonight's done the first block!

Yesterday was the first slightly longer exit the program.
4:20 hours (131 km) on the loose wheel and then run for 10 minutes. In the evening a little more stabilization exercises.

This morning, a 2-hour trail run! (20 km with 800 meters) and a tremendous view of Phoenix in the Valley of the Sun .

Now I'm off for an hour swim to finish the first block.

photo shoot with the bike training:
Heinrich taken back ...

... I flash forward.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Who Is Sara Jay Married To

Now it has even begun

Yesterday morning, my bike is finally here. And so the training has also started properly.
It must be run before breakfast, 45 min. then
over lunch with Henry a ride (2:40 h) on the 9 Miles Hill.
I've already thought we go straight to heaven. Would not have surprised me if it had been standing at the end of Peter and would have said "Welcome to the afterlife"
9 miles that are only 14.5 km uphill. OK, that there are us ... But this road is seen as far as you can just straight.
was then no top and no Peter George Clooney with his capsules ;-) And we have also come down again. In the evening we went
then for 55 minutes or swim. Here, of course :-) outdoor

then equal to the next adventure.
clock Early reveille at 5 and by 6 clock in the pool of ASU (Arizona State University) course is there's still pitch dark. Just a funny feeling when smiling at each breath one of the moon (it was so outside again). but was a cool training under the guidance of Johnny, a former Olympian from Englang.
dirket after swimming, it was still dim, was then one hours running on the program.
8 clock in the morning and already 2 hours and 2 units trained ... I had also never been :-) Had breakfast

then in the "Einstein Bagels.
now I just lie down, for the afternoon will follow with Henry (here he means go :-) Henry Radln last for around 2 hours.

Here are two photos. A photo of the "early swimming" I'll do next week is (always Tuesday and Friday ).... otherwise believe me that no one at home anyway :-)

9 Miles Hill ... not steep but long!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kannada Quotes On Kannada

still no wheel

Actually, it would have to meet yesterday. Now it is tomorrow. The problem I have my running shoes in Radkoffer.
The solution, I'm me here today who purchased. Here are also much cheaper than ours.
I hope it comes tomorrow, really now, otherwise I must also buy a new bike yet ;-)
to strengthen (because I've been training already so much ;-) tonight's stew to the Coach!

photos coming soon!

Verschil Deluge Sprinkler

! Own fault, Fehr Serves you all left! "

lesson from the past few days: one is to blame when you get beaten up! Even and especially when a politician is ... more precisely, a left-wing politicians

The times are over when, no matter which political group they belonged in this country could move freely and with the "enemy" was sometimes even drink a beer. And now that it hit just the respectable SP National Hans-Jürg Fehr. has affected me. Hans-Jürg, beaten up by right-wing rally participants. Get well soon, dear comrade! be

other hand must be kept very, very clearly again that the left has itself contributed to eskalativen rhetoric. The fact that the Social Democrats and the Greens who think differently but also irritate always so again blood that they know no other way to fight back when three strike!

precisely the right autosomes, which the bourgeois idea at heart, which is even the SVP little bourgeois (because it fits with the left parties in government), are known for their violent notorious. Swathes of land in Central Switzerland and the Agglogebiet terrorize the Central Plateau they have with their violence. Usually there are five SVP sympathizers who go on a link or marionettes. As will be kicked and slapped that guaranteed every time the police must move out.

All the bikes of green students, solar panels on the roofs and all the vegetarian restaurants that have already been demolished by the right-wing activists! That's just blind destructiveness!

And these right-wing anarchists have with the "house of freedom - Landgasthof zur Sonne" in the Toggenburg Ebnat-Kappel now also a legal vacuum, where they can retire. In this "autonomous cultural center" - so it is rumored - is also smoked, and gejasst dealt out with beer and pork chops. And it hatches new plans for acts of vandalism. The police are powerless, looking on without doing anything.

occasion especially the "anti-Socialist evening walks" is it to asy only disaster, act like the SVP voters, masked pensioners, single employees with wild look and peasants with pitchforks to the institutions of the surveillance state and showcase strike , light urban buses and the walls full of spray, with slogans such as: "Welfare state destroy - Blocher putsch, up to power".

And then the protests against the EU consulate in Bern or the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, where from all over Europe (Fidesz, Front National, Lega, Flemish Block, etc) to enter the rights to the land and half the city . disassemble

The cost of policing, the riots after the infamous Saubanner first parade and demonstration August cause (organized by the "reactionary white block" and the Conservative Youth Front Hüntwangen-Wil) and the damage in the Zurich Financial District, which is always in the hundreds of thousands go, in the end pays the brave SP Choosing taxpayers. Not that that did not like (paying taxes) but it is not now!

And so now the National Jürgli Hans Fehr, a congenial intellectual warhorse of the Socialist People's Party on its way to the SP-Rentnerhöck in the Zurich People's House was brutally beaten by the right resistance. If we share a stand against violence and right for more decency in politics - as the SP!

Well, precisely: it is also a bit of blame: If he had something with Communist slogans retained in the new party program, then it would not have happened. Let him apply for police protection in the future! He also could take a taxi, the left Tubel!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wedding Gift Letter From Comapies To Employees


bin here last night was well received in Phoenix / Scottsdale. Only my bike was not there. It still remained in Munich. But should now come. But is does not matter because I will not train today anyway (much). Because 8-hour time difference is that today is to settle!

morning, everything!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold Bevriest

Now is the time soon come. 've Got it so are already in planning my season ... 24.01. - 20.02. Training camp!
Where to go, I tell now:

I fly to Phoenix for 4 weeks!

After I have got myself in November a day before the Ironman Arizona where the broken arm, I'm going to take advantage of the perfect conditions on the ground to make myself fit for the Ironman South Africa.

Will report next week then regularly from my stay!

It goes back to the desert!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is Using Astringent After Waxing Harmful

Et in Bloggam Pax

the hatchet is buried, lit the peace pipe.

We wait for things to get there, and rejoice in freedom, equality and brotherhood and sisterhood!

Dark figures may quarrel menace and gray clouds may darken the hearts and minds of people, but no one can stop the sun like this, too light of all people, children appear.

a very good day wish I them all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Memory Access Violation In Tally 7.2 In Migration

Mama Blog - the end of coziness

The Mom Blog is at the end!

His own success was his downfall. Requiescat in pacem , dear Mother Blog! For the hour they are sent to the 1,400 comments on the weekend ranked second contribution towards army weapons initiative. And 850 Inspired sent back to the weekend ranked No. contribution. 1 for army weapons initiative.

than 2,500 speeches on the subject within a few days. Once provoked a picture of a family with children, whereupon the father of an assault rifle in his hands holds the controversy, the second time it was tipped over one-hearted teddy bear with bloody bullet wound was prostrate. Biased, provocative, cool sensation? Yes, of course!

Once critical review of the initiative was originally named "When is the companion to the risk" and was in "Wait until it pops" renamed. And another time uncritical review of the initiative was originally "Of what are you so afraid?" and was renamed the "killer arguments". Biased, to escalation from, polarizing? Yes, of course!

With these two contributions the mom blog from the protected area adopted where parents, mothers, family, or more rarely fathers and quite often gender issues in a given context - nota bene the common site of important and respected newspapers in the largest German cities in the country - will be discussed. In terms of dynamics, diversity of opinion and in general public awareness and influence is the mom blog in recent months grown far beyond what it once was.

It simply would be a miracle if the Daily News / News network executives failed to exercise some form of control over this politically relevant forum in the house would be interested. As go forward and make itself felt is to be seen yet.

the prize "best journalists of the Year" for the makers has certainly multiplied the attention to the mom blog. Only a little remains the same: just these makers have no idea how to cope with their new role.

Right now that is Blog at Mama proliferation on the one hand and very selective censorship on the other. The old suspects, who the mom blog for the past one and a half years as a daily structure and playground for frustration, flirts, and quite properly as a "community" issue misunderstand - and misuse -, disgusted out New and defend the political correct wellness area and wallow in the self-satisfied mediocrity.

Well, the above discussion on a political topic on the usual structure has broken definitively and irrevocably. New bloggers were added and were not willing to brave the -comfortable double consensus of the "old guard" subordinate. Interesting thing is that practically the same time the feminist course hinds (Pippi Longstocking, globetrotter) came under pressure from various quarters.

It is ironic that one who is considered to be the traitor, must say this: the idyll of meaningless dahindümpelnden Mama blog is over!
Mama blog is one of the most important Weblogs Switzerland that and his charisma is something in the shadow of what had to even the more recently hardly thought possible.

The question is, as the responsible editor Michèle Binswanger with their responsibilities deal. Does it continue to be a petty, selective and maintained on principles of arbitrariness functioning control and censorship regime (at considerable time and effort)? Would she look like holes in Orlando and his associates her blog by a daily, hourly, log on to ever new name to Mama blog and comment? Or it turns generous free (as in the arms blogs), so it generates more comments and more advertising revenue?

Or they recognize that only the FOR ALL-free access to its platform really good, open, and with reason out, but on the strength of a good argument makes trusting discourses?

With perceived as adults bloggers who feel they are taken seriously and respected by management ? The so have no reason to harm the mom blog in any way for any manipulation or abuse?

Let cool heads prevail, dear Michele! Good morning future.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wish Happy Birthday To An Ex

Dear Mrs. Binswanger ... - Open letter to the best journalist of the year

For as you make your bed, now lie in it
It covers a since none of
And if one occurs, I am
And the one entered, then are du's

... Bertold Brecht wrote poetry in "Mahagonny." The old hedonistic, left sock has tried for so cynical to denounce what is so bad about capitalism but rather yet he has expressed in dramatic terms what's going on in any truly free society must depart. The price of freedom, this Freedom every day against those who do you take advantage and have your money's a good life, to defend. And secondly, you have the temptations of totalitarian resist offers and heteronomy, himself strong. And third, you may your opponents the field is not left without a fight , but must fight them there, where they meet, where they are vulnerable.

The Achilles heel of the Stalinists and their supporters in the Mom Blog is the internet. Wikileaks has shown it: there are no areas more quickly, where the suppression of the free flow of information can make with impunity and where the broad has shamelessly anti-democratic power of opinion inventory.

also the mom blog will be soon no longer a place where a unilateral radical ideas, favoritism based on criteria of ideological "correctness" self-appointed taste judges and sectarian ideologues can retreat into a protected area, against the opposition of liberal thinking people would be protected.
So we can every day, even every hour if his must register under new names always there and the censorship business into bankruptcy drive. This can be of course of different IP addresses do. And one such attack can not of course limited to the Mom blog alone: the Swiss blog scene is not huge, but clear. Mama quickly the blog gets caught in a bad light.

It is no longer-lived persistent stigma as a bad reputation, Mrs. Best Journalist of the Year "!

In my opinion you have failed colossally, Mrs. Binswanger. But there is a way out of their misery: you are the boss! So, only a little courage, Michèle! Orlando, Max and Eni are now unlocked on Mom Blog. There is no reason to be afraid in front of us. If we be respected by you and experienced the same treatment as other militant bloggers * also, we have no reason to put your project into question or even endangering.

Should not this my demand be met, threatens an ugly war. Sorry!



* Catherine, Pippi Longstocking, Globetrotter, Auguste etc. etc.

Vip Brief Case Lock Number Forgot Help

season training camp schedule in 2011

Fix red are written race. A start on the rest of the competitions is still on-being, training, qualifications, and so on.
will certainly not start me at all. It should be about 10 races this season. I
this list but will update it regularly, and when a race is fixed, red mark.

24.01. - 20:02: -. Training camp

13:03: -. VCM Winter Running Series - either 7, 14, 21 ode 28km

3.27: -. Murpromenadenlauf - 10km

10.04: -. Ironman SA (1st main competition)

15:05: -. Supersprint Graz / Straßgang - 2 times 0,2-6-3

04:06. - Triathlon Stubenberg - Sprint o. Olymp.

18.06.: - VELDEN Triathlon Sprint oder Tri-Neufeld - Sprint o. Olymp.

01/03.07-: - Company Triathlon Sprint oder Römersee Triathlon Sprint

17.07.: - Trummer Triathlon Österreichische Meisterschafen Double Olympic (2. Hauptwettkampf)

24.07.: - King of the Mountain

13.08.: - Triathlon Piberstein Sprint

21.08.: - 3-Länder Crosstriathlon - 0,8-42-7

03.09.: - Tri Motion Saalfelden - 2-80-21

10.09.: - Sulmsee Sprint Triathlon

18.09.: - City Duathlon Deutschlandsberg (Sprint oder Olymp.)

02.10.: - Challenge Barcelona - 3,8-180-42

08.10: -. Ironman Hawaii (3rd primary race if quality)

May 2012: - Ironman Lanzarote (1st main event 2012)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pin - Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000


The last year was not quite as sporty as hoped. Although great results in training and Vorbeireitungsrennen but the main competition did not go as desired or could I even do not start at one.

This year is better now!
the season I plan to be put in the next few days. There will be 3 main competitions. Training camp will not take place as usual this year in Lanzarote. And it will be longer than 2 weeks. Where and when ... is coming soon!

Then a super 2011 season :-)