Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Build A Mailserver

Mission - a controversial concept

mission, in particular Christian mission is a controversial concept. With Mission terrible developments in the past, such as forced baptisms also associated intolerance and manipulation. People who speak are missionary traveling are considered intolerant types, as people who "interfere in the internal affairs of other people and cultures" themselves.
That is one side. On the other hand, is that mission (sense of mission) to the essence of the great world religions.

What is meant by mission - what you mean by this?
How justified Christian mission today in the context of criticism and Atheismusdebatte?
How can Christians today make responsible missionary work? What
criticism must be taken seriously - what can Christians learn from the mistakes of the past?

Here is the space to write down what you think about this issue ....
Discuss with and write a comment.

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