Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cruise Ship Almost Tips Over

"You have to change you" - the downward spiral

The "change" (change from Obama = the battle cry of "progressives") is the battle cry of the modern communists: everything is changing, we must also walk because there are no values in themselves are (and certainly not absolute, since God is dead!) But only individual value concepts in relation to other individual value terms, a system of values pluralism or pluralisms even is such a favorite word of "Change" Rufer. Needless to say that for now the values of others must be informed of those corrupt, Western, late capitalist "society in Europe, because they blamed for everything bad in the world.

This is decadence: if you desperately your values low, but the values of all other - or the other principle - is holding up!

This "change" as a program specifically means the permanent self-abolition of values, freedom, democracy and prosperity made it possible to have , and it is operated by university professors, just as is for politicians, journalists, intellectuals and artists (in which It is virtually the only "content" that they may provide yet).

Sarrazin was not wrong with the title of his book: self-abolition. What "tradition" and traditional knowledge, and above all established structures of cohabitation between People: it's water under the bridge, it is superstition of earlier, under-developed generations, it is degenerate patriarchal, old-fashioned, conservative, racist , selfish, outdated, obsolete.

The goal of these people is an order i n not of the individual is the measure of all the political freedom of thought, is but in the community controlled and planned development. That is measured in the bourgeois world prosperity and freedom on the individual pursuit of happiness, which is only in a free market (not only economic goods but also the skills, lifestyles, values, attitudes, ideas and forms of organization) can realize those people is a thorn in the eye.

you want to create a better world, is the better person. With people who fit the better world, not vice versa. The man is like a piece of furniture in the world better fit. The Socialists have never got it: the world is not better than the people who live in it.
For them, man is only Manipuliermasse: "It is the social conditions that shape the human being, not vice versa" - what a mistake!

The Socialists do not like that at the top of all order the individual - or better: the individuals in their freely chosen associations - must stand. No, they want to install there instead a kind of wise, just, caring country.

invent and therefore constantly seek new "injustices", "oppression", "dependencies" to the individual pursuit of happiness to have in check . Edward Miliband, for example, the new Labour leader says, even publicly, that the concept of free market economy is no longer sacrosanct. One type of socialism is to regulate the coexistence thoroughly because of course the "experts" and "professionals" and officials better in a position to shape the lives of the people.

The problem is that people are just less stupid than the Socialists do this and therefore never will participate in these plans!

She has run persistently justified in many cases in pure cultural self-hatred, self-abolition manifests itself as Max diagnosed correctly, in the modern attitude:
"Change we are not the grievances but adapt the laws and rules in such a way that there are not abuses. "
see what we in the drug policy in the Immigration area in criminal law, in the encounter with radical Muslims, social services, in foreign policy, in divorce law, family policy, the school system - smolder everywhere where social conflicts, or have already broken out and large parts of the political establishment have become too weak and vacillating formulate to (1) principles, (2) clear rules establish, and (3) this also enforce and operate instead Pflästerlipolitik and policy decisions avoided.

A blind man sees that the spiral is downward, thus paving the way for the "Change" Rufer, who have a solution for everything: More government!

And yes, failed with white wine-digging pianists and study dropouts and ego-bulldozers, which are based solely on personal retention of power, elected by a parliament that would like to have a concordant comfort zone but in fact at every opportunity, every sometimes overcomes the other like wild animals - are with those people at the helm of the (still ) Civil foundations of this society seriously at risk.


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