Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Best Compact Camera For 200

La Suisse et Le Parfait

"It is sometimes easier to fight for principles than to live up to them" (Adlai Stevenson 1900-1965)

Stevenson was the US-American diplomat and UN ambassador for his country, going on the Cuban missile crisis in 1963 in the UN Security Council the Soviet envoy to task and ridicule before the world was when he still tried to deny that there were Soviet medium-range missiles in Cuba. He was willing to wait until the Russians bring his evidence, "until hell freezes over ! " (to hell freezes over). The good Soviet citizens were sitting in their tight, cold multi-person households, with their sad and heroic stories from the Second World War and knew about the whole thing: nothing. There was no press there was no medium that was able to report freely and critically what happened in the workers' paradise or in the world. The only newspaper - Pravda ("Truth" - of all things) wrote about a reality that the Central Committee was agreeable to a reality that did not exist in reality!

free press, freedom of residence and choice of occupation, free elections and a free civil society is established in the discourse on the projects, ideas and experiments they dare to form a community - there was in Russia at that time not . In Switzerland, at the same time, however, already. Switzerland had there been no on the contrary, had the Swiss, the citizens of this country, no such freedoms fought for. That was only three or four generations before. All Europe had giggled hysterically, when the Swiss are a democratic-liberal constitution gave.

Our Constitution and our country has remained - where are those who laughed at the time? You can search for it in history books, the rest is history.

And again we are at the crossroads: Europe seems to have this stubborn, hopelessly backward Swiss laugh that prefer to go the difficult, unsexy, "outmoded" way as an outsider - such as inappropriate!

All Swiss? No, a small group of head of intellectuals in the writing rooms of the nation combined with a few artists and € turbos under the people's representatives working hard on the abolition of our country and mock the loudest about the stupid Tubel of citizens who wants to admit not simply that and comfortable way is the better way.

It almost seems, in a reversal of the verdict of Adlai Stevenson, it's easier is to live the principles, say, the benefits of the "special case" to enjoy a free, independent and rich country. At the slightest resistance serenade from abroad to immediately deposit the assault rifle in the armory and explain with white linen sheets and the surrender with tears of gratitude, the apotheosis, the rise in hlg. Roman Empire European nation hinzugben longing. Come o Big Karl and impregnate me with your bureaucratic pile, tear me into pieces and let me ghaddaffische burning in sweet Selbstnihilierung lick the saliva blessed to belong and sniff the breath of all European vulgarity. Schmacht!

Is not it really the case that the pacifist Stevenson here and now true in its reversal of all, it is to live simple principles and take them for granted, but when it comes to them enzustehen to fight it to defend and then hangs the Helvetic Schnäbi deep (or longer as bammelt before it, because it has certainly shrunk down by autonomous enactment already on the EU standard)?

What do you think? If we free ourselves from the narrow prison of our Schweiztums? Urs Paul Engeler Or was correct in his statement: "The Swiss are now a collection of people, who want to enjoy yourself, preferably without resistance and give everyone to understand at every opportunity awareness that they like nothing better than the same as residents would be "? Would not it be better if we stop the experiment and Switzerland are quite ordinary EU citizens?

To return to the Swiss of the Year 1963: dedicated to my today's entry I of the occasion of a Swiss specialty compare, which gives it as anywhere, and has been for 60 years

Le Parfait symbolizes! for me all that is Swiss:

- economy (but no Paté Yeast as a basic component)
- charm (creamy, not too spicy, not too greasy, not too bulky, not too colorful)
- diligence and innovation (in the war were due to scarcity)
- Interculturalism (? who invented a Welscher.)
- pragmatism (le foie dans le Tube Les Francais hulls les Nazes?)
- modernity (there was over time a yellow with chicken liver, a vegetarian and a tuna)
- success (for the first crazy idea of a student who later bought Nestlé)
- tradition (long a family in TPF)
- integration (whether Croat from Basel or Tamil from Brig - everyone knows Everyone likes it!)
- social (located at the millionaire as well as in the street wiper in the refrigerator)
- cosmopolitanism (you ashes once friends from abroad so ...!)
- versatility (for canape as well as for picnics)
- friendliness (it is still a Schlaargg when the Tune expertly squeezes)
- Chic , almost elegance (see pictures)
- Amicable (the tube moves in a circle at a picnic)
- Sexy (the silent gentleman keyword. Breakfast in bed ...!)

Ihne erschte Auguscht s beautiful! Until hell freezes over!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Erection During Male Intimate Waxing

Patchwork - respect, it is in danger!

Mrs. Binswanger's self-indulgent and contrived, only moderately funny description of their pregnancy and birth one pulls two comments to tired, despite the rain and cold. The whole of this week was our beloved blog for mothers who do not want to be forced into her mothers role, about a hundred comments. Since I had Max and almost everything, if you consider that we are not professionals and do not have such great fans.

Well, we just put on quality rather than quantity. And now, reach me the following interesting message:

There are a number of scientific publications on the "offender profile" in terms of sexual abuse. Religious affiliation has no effect on the frequency abuse: sexual abuse is found in Catholic, Protestant or non-denominational family is essentially the same extent.

is of great importance for the frequency of sexual abuse but the question of whether the perpetrator is a biological or "social" father. "Among the criminal groups, especially father figures include" (new life partner of parent, step-fathers, etc.), writes Sabine Neumann in her book "Sexual Abuse". In contrast, the proportion of biological fathers is surprisingly low: "The family members are fathers the least involved in sexual abuse: about 2%."

Other studies show one in six girls who had a stepfather, was this before their 14th . Age sexually abused, however, experienced "only" every fiftieth girl sexual assault from the biological father.

especially in the case of the much-touted left-wing blended families, it does look zappenduster terms of abuse. Thus, 32 percent of children in England and Wales, who grew up in at least one stepparent, victims of abuse - and in Finland In 1996, almost four percent of surveyed fifteen-year-old girl to have been abused by the stepfather, while 0.2 percent of their biological Father accused.

A more than embarrassing outcome for all those who fancy themselves to be at the height of the time when "alternative family forms" glorify , now likes to call "patchwork" as: sounds like it yet so loose and creative as a patchwork quilt - in contrast to the normal or "traditional" family with her supposedly entrenched role model "and lack of" flexibility "etc.

" makes divorce children as victims and match balls of the parents, "writes writes the neurologist and psychiatrist Dr. Bertrand Flöttmann in his book "Tax Law of Life." play down the eyes wiper misfortune of relationship crashes. You do not want to admit that a broken family is no family. Separation hurts. An indulgent upbringing, neglect and lead the painful separation of parents to mental disorders in children. These include increased aggression, neurotic poor posture, and reduced social competence "And:".. Divorce often means that a strange man comes into a broken family, the risk of the child, a sexual abuse to suffer by his step father, rises to six -. to seven times compared to the natural father "

Would not it be right now - given the current abuse of debate - high at the time of these clearly documented relationships to reflect and question the blended family finally critical is instead calculated the Catholic church attacked when she was a "hotbed of abuse." It is precisely the cath. Church - holds to the insolubility of marriage and the remarriage of divorcees rejected - quite the contrary to the zeitgeist.

As far honest compared to the usual left-wing scene proves again Germany's best known feminist, Alice Schwarzer - and that was 8 years old! In its magazine "Emma" No.10 / 1992, she wrote in her editorial amazing plain and admitted frankly that facts and background in matters Patchwork they "forced rethinking" to have , also in terms of the much-vaunted "new Father "and" free relations ":

" Today, fewer and fewer married couples - and the majority of all children must expect large parts of their childhood with at least one non-biological, so grow up a social parent, sel tener for adoption and usually after divorce or separation. "

For it is the dream of the benefits of" alternative family forms was "because the dream into a nightmare. One of the "lesson" that Alice Schwarzer - claims to be - could rethink was all too true "parable of the great director with the little girl "or, more precisely the story of the" social "father of Woody Allen, who received a sexual relationship with his adopted daughter, Soon Yi what became known only after many years.

Alice Schwarzer is simply horrified: "Allen sees no moral problem at all - and Soon Yi is shown triumphantly by his side of the press. There is no hesitation, no word of regret, no pity and no shame. How ruthless is the 56-year-old Allen? And how broken is the 20-year-old Soon Yi "

broken soul is also the mother of Soon Yi, Woody Allen with the sham-lived without a marriage - even to Black is expressed skepticism: "Allen and Farrow could afford both morally and materially, to be unmarried and to live in two apartments on either side of Central Park. your way of life had become a model for progressive America. . Their failure must be a warning to all "

At the end of Alice Schwarzer clarifies the issue: " Do mothers from the Allen case to conclude that social fathers are dangerous? In fact, new statistics show: the sexual abuse occurs in foster care-still more frequently than in "blood" families. Sure, both biological and married Fathers lay hands on their children, but they do not triumph, at least in the public eye "

If someone learns something that is always good -. If he even publicly admitting it, even better. Thank you, Alice Schwarzer!

(evidence, sources and links on request)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mario Salieri Cpu Streaming

cloudy in the afternoon ...

Urgent! - Urgent! - Urgent! - Urgent! -

UBS: our favorite pöhse pöhse Bank is on course for success and has paid back their debts! Federal Government and National Bank have benefited from strong. Much ado about nothing?

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Max has something today to tragedy in Duisburg .

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When a lie is repeated often enough, they may think someone ... according to this principle gradually moves The Daily News / News Network journalist Olivia Kühni . In its smearing piece about the author Eva Herman they rolled the old story on nochenmal and ruminates on falsehoods that are now refuted in court: The Herman demonstrably never the family policies of the Nazis praised still had her thrown out in Kerner's Talk Show something with her statements to do (it was planned and staged!)
fairness, objectivity, clean research - where are you off?
Kühni proves that some dopey hacks battle for the SP-Journal "Daily News" any means is right to push their agenda.

Read the review and the comments: a striking number of readers agree with Eva Herman.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ritetemp Thermostat 8030 For Sale

Grüezi in Canton Württemberg - and a tip

Adolf wanted to Switzerland to take an end to the Berlin fire department - it was different! For thousands of years, only twelve and Switzerland continues to live happily in front of them rather than the world sting pig. And not bad.
unschlecht So that move here in many neighboring countries or have been the socialist yoke of their central governments and the EU can present bureaucratic monster free by join Switzerland. has now launched a well known Swiss politicians have any idea how could extend the Erolgsmodell (distribution and increasing wealth and democracy). What
üerraschenden echoes the German in the press caused be read in the 'World' .

(ps: above all the comments, I highly recommend for reading, one learns more than when the manipulative mood maker scribbles of the radical leftist foreign correspondents in the Tagi or on Swiss television reads / sounds. )

Can you imagine a Cantone d'Aosta? Le Canton d'Alsace or a canton Black Forest? And we do this at all? What is the future of a "Europe of Regions" from?

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just on Radio snapped: the modern woman in the stress between the profession must be successful and raise a happy family must . Which of course half a century ago in many cases, - The modern, emancipated slave women with equal qualities it increasingly overwhelmed!

" DC, sweetie" stories by British author Jane Simpson , 239 p., from the English by Thomas Bodmer, BUT NO & Publisher

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Find Glory Holes In Sacramento

Orlando's Iced Vichissoise "

instead warmed soups such as mother-in Weblog gives Orlando at one of the most delicious summer recipes that you can think of. You know, things should not eat as hot as they are cooked. So here a great recipe from the Lyonnais for a cold summer soup, light and nutritious but, for people who do not always want to sip only Catalan Gazpacho - hearty, yet smooth and elegant!

for (at least) to take 4 servings:

800 g floury potatoes
3-4 large leeks (white only)
2-3 liters of chicken stock 1 bunch parsley *

3-4 dl sauces or coffee cream
(note: full cream is too rich, and nothing sour, so no cheese or crème fraiche from the Migros!)

olive oil 2 lemons

Peel potatoes and chop into small pieces. Wash well (it should go with as little force). Only take the white of leek and finely chop. Leeks in a little short Butter in a large pot and put on leave, potatoes add - please no onions admit (although many recipes provide this). Cold chicken broth to pour until vegetables are covered. let simmer under the lid, about 20 minutes. In between broth nachschütten if (vegetables should always be just covered) is necessary. Good taste.
soup to cool slightly and then puree in a blender strong. Important: it should not have too much liquid, the soup should be thick but fluid as a porridge. If necessary, add broth.
give the cream to soup and stir gently. If more liquid is needed, some milk add.

refrigerate the soup. You should really get very cold on the table. In plates and drizzle lemon juice by hand. Do the same with the best olive oil and chopped parsley to garnish and add chives. Serve with good

white bread or toast and butter. accompanied with charcuterie (smoked sausage!) And antipasti can play Vichissoise the lead role in a simple Sommerznacht. In winter, you eat the exact same course, hot soup .

Serve with a full-bodied white wine. Nothing too sun-spoiled with lush fruit but a Chablis or a good Fendant, why not again a Gewurztraminer!

Tip: I served to the delight of my guests even as part of a cold soup trios as a first course of a gourmet BBQ (with gazpacho and cold cucumber dill soup) - with one addition to the small Suppenschüsselchen: a large in Campari marinated shrimp to gazpacho, smoked fish for cucumber soup and two slices of grilled sausage Vaudoise to Vichissoise. Yummy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How To Apply Wella Straight

farts from the summer slump, and His Excellency the Ambassador

A kind of early August 1 speech to current events.

It is hot, except the strange men with strange hobbies (Kachelmann, Roderer and Polanski) is nothing going on, the mom blog offers its fans nothing but "warmed soup" (Cara billion), wants to eat and no one in South Africa it has ausgetschuttet itself.
Last year we had after all pirates in the Horn of Africa, and the best army in the world that would have to be sent there as a Marine. Then there was a Federal face, which was forfeited in Tripoli. The previous year, driven by a crazed army chief mischief in the print media and brought a long overdue father of his country to the derailment. Or at least it was a real war in the Middle East. In 2007, the CVP and the SP made a somewhat botched election campaign with the strange themes Roschacher and GPK. And this year?

Not even the resignation of two cabinet ministers elicits the audience more than a yawn. A perfect time for the fourth power in the state similar to the mom bloggers feed up an old topic to see so as a kind of dry run, only if the Confederates still so stubborn are the people of donkeys, for which it holds in left-liberal press in this country. probably hoped, during the past two years with UBS debacle crisis, financial crisis, Federal-Zoff-Libya crisis were Mr and Mrs become crumbly little Swiss and their mistaken belief in the special case had finally, finally gotten scratches. The practice area

goes as follows: any useful idiot makes an inventory and analysis sharply, the EU accession must return to the table. As always, when pressure is applied from the EU some pressure on Switzerland, the Zurich journalists take the first into battle and ask the unconditional surrender of Switzerland , "it had to happen that way," "we have already always said, "the outlook is bleak." The most popular argument, however, is that you already understand today, then one could indeed geradesogut join the EU! That is, as when a doctor advises the patient slightly peeved, he should immediately get the pneumonia ... what actually?
The leftists have a talent by the way, in referendums trötzeln and there a few years later to try just once more: Army abolition, nuclear energy, EU accession, more drugs, more socialism instead of solid Sozi alwerke. But Mr. and Mrs. Swiss remain even when sunbath at the pool cool. Super Cool . We are doing so well as never before, we let it go as good as ever, and we want our children even better. Since this can

Geck of EU ambassadors wiedermal occur as arrogant Mini-Metternich and this anemic Belgians Rompuy skip the frustration over the collapse of his home at the Little Switzerland - is there such a thing from us the same.
I really am enjoying the coolness of the Swiss people!

Ahh, is not it nice to live in a country where the (all too often the good sake of peace silent) majority is pragmatic and not ideological and acts?
What do you think? Also see clouds gathering on the horizon? Should we not better join the EU, like asking the seemingly intelligent 25% of the population? If we join our children's sake there?
Oh yes, yes, this is a patriotic speech to the final note: I am proud on this land and its people!

ps: I'm the ass by EU Ambassador Reiterer did almost time for the jugular. About three years ago, I brought my Göttibub hairdresser for a haircut to Gidor at the Federal Street in Bern. The child-friendly hairdresser has its front door next to that of the European Union embassy in Bern. To get to the hairdresser you have three stages of the road and onto a Bödeli in an input field. The little boy was still with baby carriage, I Murk so up there and put him in the said entrance, there is no room for hairdressing business.
appearance Martin Reiterer, his Austrian Eminence, the Ambassador of the European Union in Switzerland . The man, who would each casting to Tell open-air theater on the spot as required Gessler, without having to look at other applications for the role. Probably tipsy from some drinks with fellow parliamentarians, he walks briskly, almost as if he were riding on a high, very high horse up the steps and remain stunned are: a children's wagon with chubby Helveterkind and impertinent, primitive Confederates - who, nevertheless he noticed the chicken from the Augenwikel and identified all the time makes the shrimp from the comfort of the car crawl out and let go into the store. Such backward mountain farmers who are blocking, the envoy of the HLG. röm'schen empire of Charlemagne, its magnificence, the high Ambassador Gross-Europe the way to his residence! Something outrageous, which said Mr Reiterer angry glare.
When the child is in the store and has pushed the Swiss ridiculous the car from the door slowly (leisurely as he could), he means the Magnificence with a friendly smile, the way is now free. Smiled at the nostrils rise, he ostentatiously shakes his head, seems a bit hineinzumurmeln in itself and does on his key ring to create. He does not find the key once and while since he still strums, the Ambassador of the bold Kuhschweizers awareness of how this smiling smugly staring him still. As the ambassador raises the lowly mountain farmers to a view that this should probably be in awe slump in itself, unfortunately without success. So do not its sovereign estimate first with furious verkniffeen forehead wrinkles the man, then the stroller and then contemptuously again the man
Since this is the now mocking smile from the lips of the Swiss away from here, the ambassador finally opens energetically the door and disappears rapidly in the interior of the staircase. The Swiss
primitive thinking today, if his Excellency had said even one word would be the replica inetwa been: "Welcome to Switzerland, you asshole!". Or something even more stupid as: "In the republican Switzerland, children and baby carriages precedence over inflated diplomats!"
Or - though less likely - would the "look" to titles on the next day: "Melee - EU Ambassador Reiterer of child car hit in the head offenders (39) confessed that he acted out of patriotic motives.".

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Testicular Lumps Following Catheter

return to society ban

is life in freedom with responsibility and as economically handle. The enemies of freedom want to treat the citizens have the better as children are too much freedom can not be trusted. These are the new totalitarians to be located today on the left side of the political spectrum.

In an open, diverse, vibrant city where I live in this city, where the bankers and welfare recipients, the cleaning lady "with a migration background" and the insurance clerk in the same tram ride to work, taking a certain lightness, elegance and set tolerance and the day in this largest city of a small country, where success is possible and is also celebrated, life is good. You breath a world of openness that one misses in most other cities in Switzerland!

The very capable journalist Jean-Martin Büttner rubbed - on the occasion his return to the Limmat after years in Geneva and Bern - surprising in a Daily News-column (unfortunately no link) a few days the eyes: the city, which he received from his time as a youth riots in the eighties as Hort antisocial financial Gnome and obstinate fuedlibuerger knew this cold city economy has been transformed into livable, enjoyable and creative miracles, attracting half of Switzerland as a magnet and radiates across national borders.

In the early nineties, the de facto abolition of the curfew was a liberal authorization practices for pickling, clubs and organizers of any kind, the sector was booming, Zurich became the party capital. The Socialist Stapi Elmar Ledergerber marketed the city sent and some mega events brought to the Limmat and the cultural importance was given to those circus, which he must hold in such a city.

But the grumpy gnomes have not disappeared. You dress today simply a left Gewändchen them is the oh-so-commercialized present an eyesore. joy is the devil! every franc that someone deserves to young people who want simple but fun just to be regarded with suspicion, the sinful goings veursacht only problems and who have deserved it, is certainly a very niederträchiger journeyman - the pleasurable public execution The Carl Hirschmann (Jew and son nouveau riche parents) was a lesson in how this new old conservatism works.

Yes, there were stabbings injured, there was fighting in the former industrial area behind the seven tracks, which joins club to club. It was a Saturday night recently, even a death after a knife fight among young people injured.

But all in all, Zurich is a very safe city with a lot of quality of life and this thanks to the cultural and recreational facilities , so they end up in international rankings again and again in the first ranks. The interested

the gnomes at the Daily News of course not. Dear bag it in time for the silly season on the problems and ask again more order and tranquility. drives and as useful idiots on the Daily News the criminal justice Professor Martin Killias, the "reintroduction should the curfew .

Because the S-Bahn people throw too much waste in the Ghüderkübel, are mounted this

ado off. If three days is raging the largest fair in the country with two million visitors, it brings the Tagi ready, then whine to three days on the amount of waste as of the last Züri-town festival three years ago turned out slightly lower.

Altogether there seems the word "waste" in some primal fears Zwinglian Zurich inhabitants to leave. life produces waste, and intense live much longer - get over it!

And from left to right to overthrow the honest men and women on a host of on the hill a few square meters containing food to the restrictive building regulations on building, so that tourists and family hikers up there, a portion of chips or a bratwurst may have to spend and not expensive restaurant with white tablecloths, lots of money. Green conservatives who have at Zurich mountain property occur on the plan to the Üetliberg a threatening "Disneyland" to prevent.

were at the "Bottelon" two years ago left the bourgeois pleasure enemies and control freaks for weeks in the publishing state of emergency because of a few thousand young people who are drinking in the senseless agreed. The top police officer of the city called the participants back then even "sick in the brain" .

And because Zurich is now the party town is the German-speaking Switzerland, pulls the to stop young people who hang around like a bit of the "HB" and consume beer from cans (instead of for spending a small fortune in one of the clubs).

What bothers me is less the attitude grievances - which it undoubtedly is - to combat. What bothers me is that one out of sheer good person, no longer lays down clear rules in everyday life and, if necessary, consistently penetrated - yes, with police violence - but equally threatening to set aside the entire liberal approach because some misbehave. The vast majority will vezichten because of the few on their freedom.

On the other side of the police are tied up for years hands. Instead, they send a ridiculous los Gschpürschmi-Trüppchen , tried to persuade the Saturday night the young people well and says to them, let them beg the Bierbüchsli into the garbage bin.

best I found years ago to stop in my University library ". The library users are asked to smoke outside if it should be until the 31st of the month still smoke indoors, shall be adopted by the library management a smoking ban for the whole building!"

We forbid times and if that does not takes, we make a ban. Got that?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Arousal During Male Waxing

The golden age of Van Damme & Co.

recently discovered Youtube comment . I have no idea who you are, "BenHo0003," but you speak to me from the heart.

"There are no" old "movies, only" timeless "movies Kickboxer and Blood Sport will remain martial arts classics till the end of time. Most of the people who love these two movies to bits are usually in their late 20s or early 30s now. The late 80s and early 90s was a period when life was simpler, less fast-paced and truly enjoyable. And I believe Van Damme's flicks constituted a significant part of the lives of many boys growing up during that era. I am one of these boys. .!. Cheers "