Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Does Michael Jordan Have A Cleats Line

censorship of the center-left media, the example Obama (Guest Post)

first: I join in the result for one of the mainstream and think it is okay that Obama elected was. But if I such pathetic article in the online edition of the NZZ (!) Has to read it to me somewhat cold running down my spine ... Where are we here? Item, the example of Obama shows us correctly positioned in another guest post an illustrative example, for here already criticized politically correct censorship behavior of our center-left daily media mainstream ...

Given the plethora of euphoria which is currently in the BZ product to Obama's election (and incidentally the world) makes broad, I wanted to play with the following comment a little bit bad guy and the peace-joy-pancake Group a little shake up:

Author: O. Schmid
Is not it ironic? About two years ago, the USA, a Hussein killed. Now they choose a president. Nomen est omen?

Sorry all, this comment is not censored by the editors of BZ Internet ...

Well, it could be that the online editorial whether the flood of comments (at that time already over 85) could not publish anything and has chosen instead only sporadically. To check this, I have about 15 minutes later written this comment:

Author: Oleg Kusnizov
America has acted perfectly and jumped over his shadow. It would be nice if this might be possible in Russia. Booyah!

And lo, wonder of wonders! This comment was published immediately. So I must assume that my first comment was not published aware and got stuck in the tough BZ-censorship.

My knowledge of it: If you want to meet

you participate in the Internet forum of the Berner Zeitung by comment, the following requirements: first

Write only in the sense of the political doctrine of State faithful center-left paper.
second Write what everyone writes.
third Criticism is possible, but only in accordance with point 1 and 2

So if Russia in our media world do not apply as a rogue state, so probably my second comment was never published. Thus through the BZ plays on a small scale, what has Obama in the U.S. helped significantly to its choice ("Obamania" in all media). They take sides and prevents other opinions.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Diagram Of A35mm Camera

linker AHV nonsense (Guest Post)

The people are living longer while having fewer children. The proportion of the working population decreases in the total population, the demographic Change is in full swing. This now seems to know each child. And yet the reality left objectors nothing better comes to mind as a reduction (!) Of retirement age require. Then something called social. is in reality is the initiative as such barely disguised gift to the typical clientele SP (well-earning, working part-time state employees of the baby-boom generation). The thing stinks to high heaven ...

guest author, smiling to left catilina AHV nonsense. Have fun!

pension age 62 for (almost) all
The "people's initiative for a flexible retirement age" will anyone with an income of less than 118,000 francs early retirement from age 62 Age allow. An early retirement is already possible to just have to accept it (actuarial) cuts the old-age pension. The initiative will now remove these cuts, which amounts to a de facto subsidization of early retirement. Proponents of the initiative argue that the financing of the AHV was rock solid and having in its income account surplus. The cost of the referendum, a year CHF 800 million according to the calculations of the steering committee (1.5 billion francs after those of the opponents of the referendum) are relatively small and manageable, also benefit from it, a significant proportion of the population. Now that billions for the big banks and the gamblers were issued to the stock market are, finally, the hard-working ordinary people sometimes turn.
This argument is contradicted by the economist Professor Monika Butler. In a newspaper article with the same title she argues that the targeted low-income earners, but people over 50 with middle and higher income (editor R.: = a big part of the SP-voters), the main winner of the acceptance of initiative would be. Their main arguments are as follows:

How much is actually the initiative?
The promoters considered income up to 10,000 francs per month as average income. Thus, 85% of men and 98% of women of a subsidized early retirement benefit (the wealthy who live off their investment income, and those who work do not even included !!!). Of course, it is argued that some of the costs could be saved in other areas, such as in the AI or the social welfare. Only we have a little problem: The total population is getting older on average. The (optimistic) annual 800 million are now no longer sufficient to fund the generous early retirement. In any case, the mean Overspending lower state pensions in the future or higher taxes (VAT, percentage of wages) now. After a few years caused by the initiative of the additional cost just by using the left hand heavily criticized exceed the financial sector.

Who actually benefited from this initiative?
They are the baby boomers in the middle income range. The initiative has a huge design flaw. The initiative is based on the generated income as a criterion for access to the full pension. However, anyone can determine to some extent myself, what his income is. A high-school graduates, who after a government-financed Higher education with a part-time job satisfied (editor R.: most of the SP-constituency working part time, because this is the state much easier than in the private sector) and an average annual income achieved by 110,000, also receives a full pension . Who is now in the range of 120,000 francs yearly income is careful not to do more, because then he loses his pension. He prefers to be reduced even. In middle and higher income, the proposal of the unions punished therefore work activity.

benefit the people actually have little income?
the little people, the initiative brings few benefits. If a shop today can retire early, they take a pension reduction for the OASI and pension fund buying. It comes but to benefit from additional services which guarantee an income of her 3,000 francs per month for single people or 4500 francs for married couples (excluding other medical services). If no assets exist that compensate for the losses due to supplementary benefits pension cuts completely. In addition, non-wealthy workers with monthly pre-retirement income is below about 4500 francs (single) or 6,000 francs (married), the pension income on early retirement from the age of 62/63 will not cut it today!

Who actually pays the initiative?
the old or existing pensioners: the additional expenditure of the AVS to be financed in the future, additional tax revenue. Increasing this case in the recent past, the VAT, then the existing pensioners dig deeper into their pocket. They also may be other consequences of the initiative have felt. The shortage of nursing staff will improve, not sure if the work is being punished for these people after 62 so obvious.
The boy or actual losers Until they reach the retirement age again be no more funds be available for such luxury services. The annual cost of a subsidized early retirement to come to the already dramatic financial shortfalls in the future. A 'yes' to pension age 62 is now called a "yes" to a higher retirement age tomorrow.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Milena Velba - Sweetie Kitchen

Hamburger Elegies

The following article was written during a train ride on 30 April 2008 is about my stay in Germany and more real-time extension for summing up his overall view of ...

I sit on the train from Bremen to Hamburg. The way I've done in the past 2 months almost daily. I am forced to go with the so-called Metronome train (= stroller). Reason: a woman, a "Gutmenschin", by bicycle (yes, there's well up here too, and how! Bicycles and blocked the way, do-gooders) me the way, what I was leaving the ICE in their faces. "Oh, they wanted to ICE! Do you want to Hamburg? Just take the metronome here! "The fact that the latter arrives 40 minutes later in Hamburg, playing in its casual world of course does not matter. But in my! Item, now at least I have time, some experiences and insights, especially my time to write down in northern Germany. Here I will limit myself to those characteristics, which of my existing mainly from Swiss readership should not necessarily be known. From the above mentioned reason could be the whole of a slightly frustrated Attitude carried out.

Let's Stay in the trains. Here in Germany there is unknown to us form the 2-tier society. You can not just a ticket (or subscription) from Bremen to Hamburg solve. The crucial question here is "to ICE or not to ICE?". Of course it is more expensive with ICE, but I have regretted it for a second to be able to drive my subscription more expensive routes in the premier class of the Deutsche Bahn (2nd class here but of course). Although the difference in a single trip only makes up about 3 €, there are worlds between a ride on the ICE or the metronome. Here are the comfortable seats in modern cars, in which one even at peak times will always find a seat with table. There, the metronome-crowded trains with compartments sometimes with food waste, vomit, spilled beer and a lot of garbage come up. The passengers of the metronome: Büetzer, pubescent teens, shouting blasphemous elderly German women, an advocate who to her seat as if there were no tomorrow, young men with immigrant background and an interior turned aggression - much of what sucks, stop. If this heterogeneous passenger stock and unfortunately all the other riders not just the highlights from their crappy little world is the best verbal, it is usually out of eating: Döner, Mac Donald's, Chicken Curry, mainly as penetrating odor and the main thing seems to smack as loud here to be the motto.
Okay, I think that's enough and it should be clear why I preferred the ICE to the metronome ... Another three final comments to the DB: Yes, there are clearly more and more delays than in the SBB, so, the Damocles sword of the strike here hovers constantly over the stations and - in the end but still something nice - the inspectors in the DB are female, according to my experience here in the majority, young and handsome. This is not an ironic attempt at the German Train but to leave in a good hair, but the truth! Really! So, ready to train, now!

What's up here else other than us? Besides the endless flat landscape and the endless rainy, windy, rough, named "North German" weather? If we still have to remain in the landscape, then the Red-Green Schroeder era here hundreds and hundreds of amazing monuments placed great: the wind power plants. They are simply everywhere you look in the landscape outside the towns. Everywhere ...

to the people, according to Wikipedia, it should still be more than 3 million who speak Low German. I is not one of them met - I'm probably failed once again to my urbanity. I have only read the dialect in each case in the morning jogging: "Kok times wedder s" (! Look back over) stood, exited the allotment system Westerwald ... Still, funny linguistic features found above. Saturday is called here Saturday for example. Okay, maybe we knew already, but we also knew that not even on the front pages of daily newspapers on Saturday, but on Saturday the speech? I did not. Also interesting: "Moin" just say up here each and everyone, not just down to earth cliché Friesen from Hauke-sharks-Koog! Also in that respect I was wound wrong, I did think "Moin!" hot translated something like "good morning". No way, people greet each other in the evening so and although young and old, cool and uncool, etc ... How likely everywhere in Germany appears in young people here is the official salutation "Hey, old age ..." being, whether male or female, and a common saying is: "Old Swede", which will be called something like "My goodness" ...

interesting of the road traffic. At Hamburg's incredible density of Porsche Carreras, Z4S BMW, Mercedes SL convertibles and the like can be seen not in any case that to be paid in this country significantly lower wages than in Switzerland. The Germans travel a lot and fast, the threshold for the horn is substantially lower than ours (okay, still significantly higher than in southern Italy!). More dangerous than the cars but the bikes, of which there are lots in town. The trails are extremely numerous and run in the rule directly on the sidewalks, which made me soon come to the conclusion that here the probability of being hit by a bicycle, much higher than that of a car to fall victim to. The bikes persist in fact incredibly aggressive and sometimes arrogant in their ways, which all other deferred as easily from ordinary sidewalks are. Discipline prevails at the traffic lights: the rare pedestrians scurrying for the red light more quickly on the road. It seems as if these were the remains of the Prussian authorities faith shine through here.

My metronome has happened just the agglomeration of Hamburg-Harburg railway station, which means that I will arrive in a few minutes in Hamburg. There would be much, much more to tell, but it will have my schedule that I have for this little story (which, the world does not need them) do not spend more than this one train ride.

I close with another parody that I've learned above:


Sunday, April 6, 2008

List Of Learning Disorders

Widmer-Schlumpf resignation call undemocratic?

for following the current day's events, I avail myself of my exile from Northern Germany, as a rule the online edition of the NZZ . Occasionally still come 20min and (probably from homesickness), the good old Teletext into play. In the present everything is in the shadow of a debate with the vice causa Widmer-Schlumpf the united Swiss media throng appears once again to agree suspicious. The reason for it:

The evil SVP proves to be a bad loser in the Federal elections and wants the poor, righteous (and now also concerned by death threats) Federal Councillor from government and party exclusive. This is the SVP does naturally without any apparent reason, and (how could it be otherwise?) In inhuman way ...

What I think the debate by pushing: even so-called experts always claim that the Rücktrittsforderderung is undemocratic in severe ways. This is not so! It would be undemocratic if the cancellation request on 13 had appeared December 2007. (At that time, but only the group exclusion was decided, but what is completely understandable, but when a Federal Councillor of the worst enemies politisichen - SP and the Greens -. Had been elected unanimously, ported at the same time but not even a minority of his own party and / or elected), the democratic decision of the election-Widmer-Schlumpf, however, was the SVP at the time (albeit grudgingly and perhaps a little too loud protest) is accepted. Of a withdrawal request at that time but was never seriously discussed. Because it's just acting a democratic vote. Turned

the situation has only slightly more than 3 months later, with crucial details about the background of choice in the popular science-fiction film came to the public. Now it was clear that the election of Widmer Schlumpf a secret plan, forged by the exponent of the CVP and the SP went ahead, and that in this plan (to what extent was once an open question) and Widmer-Schlumpf had been opened previously, while she conveyed to the outside but the picture, "out of the blue" been chosen to be. Also makes clear the movie that Widmer-Schlumpf has lied to their party line head as she left it in the belief that they would never accept an election. The "secret plan" could only work that is so - so come at all about - because the opponents were able to start from the assumption by Widmer-Schlumpf. This was virtually the essential constant in the formula on which the political admittedly clever Blocher move by the de-selection started. This constant was delivered personally by duress Widmer-Schlumpf (and most probably via the secret plan involved in Hämmerle Andrea).

In the jurisprudence one knows the rebus sic stantibus . For serious, unforeseen change in circumstances may contract under this instrument to be amended. The circumstances have changed after the broadcast of the film on a massive scale. It was clear that Widmer-Schlumpf had acted with the interests of about 99% of voters intentionally SVP contrary. Why should it be undemocratic, they are now known to the obviously immoral, injurious behavior conscious party to withdraw from the Federal Council, to which they belong to activist as SVP has claimed to ask? Ask, mind you, not force. It can not be a democracy, auffzuordern a magistrates publicly for something? (How often Blocher was asked during his term of office by his many political opponents to resign?) Widmer-Schlumpf needs are quite apart of course not to follow the prompt.

Nor am I able to recognize what it should be undemocratic if the party - legally correct and in agreement with the large majority of their Members - the party of exclusion Widmer-Schlumpf trying to reach (if necessary via exclusion and foundation of the Grisons section) ...

way: in the media has often claimed the very large majority of the population, the actions of the SVP in Switzerland is not goutieren causa Widmer-Schlumpf. Of over 80% approval to Widmer-Schlumpf sometimes been mentioned. How then explain your re-election successes this weekend? When will learn left journalists that they should prefer to describe things as they are, as the way they want them to be ...?

Guitar Zero Streaming

Konrad Hummler rules! Just smurf

Konrad Hummler, Managing Partner of Wegelin & Co private bank is one of the few exponents of the Swiss economy, which is commendably - although not having held political office and party membership without my knowledge - expressed again and again on political issues. And this famous not only via the comments facility Wegelin (surpassing my view all similar communication organs of wit, conciseness, originality and wide).

Even though I can not even get him to agree to all statements that he has changed in respect of original and interesting ideas in this interview again surpassed itself. Here a brief summary of the main theses:

  • the Bloch-selection CVP and FDP would never have left the "free" supply. Rather, one might advance political concessions, such as a turn-must demand from the AVS.

  • not high tax rates, but the fear of collapsing the European social model drive capital into the financial center of Switzerland.

  • Because in Germany over 60% of the population lives by the state, there are no majorities find for the much-needed state mining more. The seemingly conservative government hands are tied. (Note:. Can with equal justification to explain the political left twisting in the Administrative District of Bern)

  • The aggressive German foreign policy toward neighboring tax havens to prevent the migration of capital and labor is a modern form of "building the wall" dar.

  • Bank secrecy is a social institution, because it is also the "little people" allowed the formation of savings assets.

  • Because German citizens live in a country that is heading for a fiscal disaster, they act as a kind of self-defense, if they evade foreign taxes.

  • SP-people like Hildegard Fässler, which require the tax dispute a "courtesy" of Switzerland are part of the policy, which promotes an appropriate fiscal policy disaster in Switzerland.

  • States and mafia organizations have surprisingly much in common with the Mafia, its members sometimes better provided for. (Note: He is probably still a little bit too far to go ...)

the way, I admit it. As a private banker Hummler is purely objective not exactly the most credible and least biased person, if he claims the defense of bank secrecy was for Switzerland is an existential question ...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Age Of Empire 3 No Cd

Let them on!

After a legal opinion has shown that a party exclusion Widmer-Schlumpf at the national level is not possible, will achieve the new party line to the exclusion now via pressure on the Graubünden cantonal section .
Easy, easy! Forgotten that such ultimate inroads would ultimately be counter-productive? (Example: the unnecessarily aggressive "blackmail" ahead of the Federal Council elections produced decisive for the dissenters Blocher.)
Konrad Hummler, an original thinker, where I (hopefully) will dedicate my next blog entry, white, should pursue the strategy in dealing with the SVP Widmer-Schlumpf

"I would not exclude Widmer-Schlumpf, for the tactical, not principled reasons. They may produce no casualties in politics. Otherwise, you have created an unassailable opponent. The politician should again be monitored and relentless criticism. "

The People's Party strategists should take Hummler words to heart. Could the party to play their political opponents a more beautiful through ball as the party exclusion? Then namely, liked Widmer-Schlumpf - from the supported (left) media willingly - in the victim, even martyr-roll, which would take any criticism of it the wind out of sails ...

way: If anyone still seriously in power, greed, career-obsession, treachery and dishonesty in short, should doubt the betrayal Widmer-Schlumpf, in case anyone should still believe in their myth that they in the morning of the 12th December "from the blue" like the Virgin had been elected to the child and "spontaneously" and just decided "for the good of the party" to believe the election was, the is the recommended now famous science-fiction film . I personally afraid I that person in eternal disconnectedness would be ungrateful ...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Diagramof 35mm Camera

with 5 liters of Beck's through the Wadden Sea

I was asked so kindly, but tell something about my stay in northern Germany ... A picture is worth a 1000 words:

Wadden Sea Otter at the village (near Cuxhaven) on Saturday 15 March, from 15.00 clock (low tide), air temperature: 8 ° C, water temperature: 3 ° C, temperature beer (Beck's): 5 ° C. ..

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mats For Carpet On Steps

Gerold Thanks!

When he speaks - so I was told - to get young HSG LER glänzige eyes. From me and like-minded people for some political Time as "the best FDP-learning at all" means, does the President of Economiesuisse his image once again, all honor.
My real mustard to the tax dispute is to follow later. But this opportunity will remain for some pathos:

After the Germanic robber barons hordes the Rubicon crossed their built pitiless siege to control Fortress Switzerland who are currently trying to ally with other tribes from Europe around to , the besieged finally draw - but decided late - in the defensive struggle . Above all, warhorse Gerold Buehrer. write

The procedure, via NZZ and (especially) FAZ an open letter to the German finance minister, is unusual, but could deliver exactly why an effective contribution to the defense. Buehrer is well aware, however :

The dispute with the EU will be long and hard. But Switzerland is so clearly right that we are not out of state political expediency may yield

's almost reminiscent of Churchill's blood-sweat-and-tear issue . Churchill should get right at the end. Buehrer hopefully ...

Merci, Geri, du bisch e Siech horny!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How Should I Take Temazepam

My letter to the editor in a bunch

For New Year's I found time to read the New Year edition of the collar. Spontaneous anger and enough time has led me n to be accompanied by the sounds of the Vienna New Year Concert , an L eserbrief to write me little wan editorial of the Executive Editor . The letter was from my delight in the edition 4 published in January in full length :

"In reading I had to sometimes ask if I really look back to an" independent liberal daily newspaper read or if I had instead a social democratic propaganda magazine in front of me. The lack of Switzerland's membership in the EU regrets, opponents of accession - or so it suggests - would understand their country as "self-contained, insular entity."

The military must be saved to continue naturally. Perhaps this is true. That budgets but more than five times for social care or health issue and that, in light of a huge, growing government debt mountain would be here to think of saving measures, is not a word mentioned. But the author can be carried away to a more violent tirade against the Swiss tax competition.

More true to the (unsuccessful) campaign Socialist maxim primarily to pursue policies against Blocher and his party will be held responsible for the "erosion of the Swiss" with all matter of course primarily the SVP. As a victim of the defendant Samuel Schmid increasing Anpöbelungen and death threats are then seemingly randomly, only the SVP for obvious reasons, little wan Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf and called Lucrezia Meier-Schatz, although in its communications, but expressly Schmid emphasized that all members of the government are faced with this problem. This cliché to be served, which - as mentioned above - are similar in style more like a propaganda piece for the editorial in a neutral newspaper: The People's Party is raising a "claim to sole representation for the people" wanted "to Switzerland barricade again," is, accept xenophobic and "the political opponents "not as people.
from a newspaper such as the "Bund" I would wish for the new year in favor of sober objectivity somewhat less ideologically-editorial "

Lustig. My contribution is between two letters to reveal themselves to be (left?) adherents of the Executive Editor. For the readership of the collar - I think - producing a profit when the reactions are not entirely to the editorial by consenting nature.