first: I join in the result for one of the mainstream and think it is okay that Obama elected was. But if I such pathetic article in the online edition of the NZZ (!) Has to read it to me somewhat cold running down my spine ... Where are we here? Item, the example of Obama shows us correctly positioned in another guest post an illustrative example, for here already criticized politically correct censorship behavior of our center-left daily media mainstream ...
Given the plethora of euphoria which is currently in the BZ product to Obama's election (and incidentally the world) makes broad, I wanted to play with the following comment a little bit bad guy and the peace-joy-pancake Group a little shake up:
Author: O. Schmid
Is not it ironic? About two years ago, the USA, a Hussein killed. Now they choose a president. Nomen est omen?
Sorry all, this comment is not censored by the editors of BZ Internet ...
Well, it could be that the online editorial whether the flood of comments (at that time already over 85) could not publish anything and has chosen instead only sporadically. To check this, I have about 15 minutes later written this comment:
Author: Oleg Kusnizov
America has acted perfectly and jumped over his shadow. It would be nice if this might be possible in Russia. Booyah!
And lo, wonder of wonders! This comment was published immediately. So I must assume that my first comment was not published aware and got stuck in the tough BZ-censorship.
My knowledge of it: If you want to meet
you participate in the Internet forum of the Berner Zeitung by comment, the following requirements: first
Write only in the sense of the political doctrine of State faithful center-left paper.
second Write what everyone writes.
third Criticism is possible, but only in accordance with point 1 and 2
So if Russia in our media world do not apply as a rogue state, so probably my second comment was never published. Thus through the BZ plays on a small scale, what has Obama in the U.S. helped significantly to its choice ("Obamania" in all media). They take sides and prevents other opinions.
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