Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mats For Carpet On Steps

Gerold Thanks!

When he speaks - so I was told - to get young HSG LER glänzige eyes. From me and like-minded people for some political Time as "the best FDP-learning at all" means, does the President of Economiesuisse his image once again, all honor.
My real mustard to the tax dispute is to follow later. But this opportunity will remain for some pathos:

After the Germanic robber barons hordes the Rubicon crossed their built pitiless siege to control Fortress Switzerland who are currently trying to ally with other tribes from Europe around to , the besieged finally draw - but decided late - in the defensive struggle . Above all, warhorse Gerold Buehrer. write

The procedure, via NZZ and (especially) FAZ an open letter to the German finance minister, is unusual, but could deliver exactly why an effective contribution to the defense. Buehrer is well aware, however :

The dispute with the EU will be long and hard. But Switzerland is so clearly right that we are not out of state political expediency may yield

's almost reminiscent of Churchill's blood-sweat-and-tear issue . Churchill should get right at the end. Buehrer hopefully ...

Merci, Geri, du bisch e Siech horny!


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