Saturday, December 15, 2007

Can The Flu Bring Your Period On Early

three socially acceptable Untruths to Blocher deselection

enough in this day and age, if a certain statement - and no matter how wrong! - Is simply expressed over and over again, and communicated via media so that the general public this statement at face value, ultimately holds that it has taken root in the collective memory as it were a large part of the population. Many such falsehoods can be heard in connection with the Bloch-selection, so I will try at this point, with some of these trials and tribulations - the worst - a clean up once and for all. Sisyphus says hello ...

untruth 1:

"Why the fuss was also Ruth Metzler in 2003 as a serving member of the Federal . Deselected "

is a fact. 2003 not the person Ruth Metzler voted Rather, they took the party CVP, which then had about 14% share of the vote away their second Federal seat and gave it to the SVP, which at the same could show the time a voter share of 27%. Metzler had to believe in it because their (re) election took place earlier than the more senior Deiss and because they did not have the courage to compete in the next round against Deiss. Had the pale Deiss Metzler offered his seat , Metzler would have been immediately selected. If Blocher was elected last week when Sami Schmid had offered him his seat? Exactly.

falsehood 2:

. The election of Widmer-Schlumpf is nothing unusual, particularly with the SP method was used often in exactly the same as last was chosen as Francis Matthey instead of the official candidate Christiane Brunner.. "

Fact: The non-election by Christiane Brunner, it was to occupy the seat of resigned for health reasons René Felber to new . Brunner was indeed the official SP candidate, but it was - in contrast to Blocher - just not acting Federal Councillor, but a new Candidates. Brunner was elected not , Blocher was elected from . This is a huge difference.

untruth 3

"Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf is a tight bourgeois politician."

to refute this statement, you should look not even bother to take their previous political activity as Graubünden cantonal government under the microscope. name it alone due to its appearance as leftists, however, would be a little in common (though not totally out ...). Pointing out that it is scientifically proven that women on average continue to politicize through the band left than men, could be dismissed as anti-feminist. It is crucial for something completely different: This woman has the most important Role in the political intrigue played that for dismissal of the tight bourgeois (sic) has led Federal Blocher. It thus helped the Wahlverliererin SP , yes it her in the first place, their number one target (a goal, based on which virtually the entire election campaign left at all) to achieve . This is a highly political act Widmer-Schlumpf is dar. An act, which they must bring the rest of her political life against any reasonable explanation in civil emergency.


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