Saturday, October 20, 2007

Remove Ibanez Srtn Preamp

The little bear the SP (Kt.BE)

My non-choice recommendation could be extended arbitrarily. In a comment over at Oetzel, I did that to some extent in terms of the Berne SP lists. The comment is directed in particular against Ursi Wyss, which is (as Christa Markwalder for the Liberals) in the SP media darling:

"with respect to counter the non-election recommendation of the SP-list, I can indeed hardly argue that. but it just Ursi Wyss and Evi Allen should have been excluded, debunks this recommendation as - sorry - garbage. If I were SP-learning, I would probably just delete these two women first and foremost on my list. Speaking of non-election's recommendation: In the two could be washed quite a few episodes pretty dirty laundry. Such as Evi Allemann passed as newly elected United Councillor no answer to the question was who would and currently preside over just the Federal ... Item, I one to be intelligent SP learning like you always wanted to ask again: Can a Ursula Wyss choose without a guilty conscience, you can listen to her in the political debates without fremdzuschämen as a comrade "

PS: Yes, it is true, for reasons of efficiency I'm starting again with the collection of comments from me in separate blog posts ...


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