Sunday, September 19, 2010

How To Write A Letter Of Rconsideration?

Jackie O. Fehr - left millionaires want to be Federal

The Official SP-Federal candidate Jacqueline Fehr knew until the resignation of Maurice Leuenberger no one more than the KITA aficionados among the left-wing extremists knew that as a preacher - reigns stubbornly for comprehensive state-subsidized child-delivery stations, the patron saint of
non-family - yes, as in the dark parliamentary background, the lobby, acting Domination Child Care Front in this country simply is. They vehemently defended the now bachab skillful regulation for a so-called child-care card for grandparents and other relatives.

Fröntler not know what Jackie O. Pedergnana-F
ore is married to a director of the Zurich Cantonal Bank (After all, is the third largest Swiss bank!) Or rather: live in isolation, since about ... well, just about since it became clear that Moritz makes a departure might come in and Jaqueline. It fits. Because this husband now does not really fit the purist
left image.

Jackie is not popular among the people, her name disappeared for weeks after the announcement of Leuenberger's resignation from the media. No one called to her! (Not even her fellow Winterthur Giaccobo on the club sofa). But then, the federal House of Commons and the Central Committee of the Socialist Party, the "Project Worker" conjured up out of the woodwork and lifted it onto official ticket. Because they sound Linksextremistin in the social democratic sheep's clothing is. The sheep Klamotte fits very well with this woman is not unsympathetic.

best there so far. Unfortunately, Jackie full of energy and hope for image boost their financial circumstances as a marriage partner with Pedergnana has disclosed (because they are not divorced). And what comes to light? The couple's assets have been halved as if by magic by half a million from the year of 2008 to the year 2009! Gschpässig not?
but it fits.

stramme For the Socialist should not then have a pull
ls millionaire in the campaign, right? What would merely think Büezer, they would not choose anyway? - We want at all such left-aunt in the Federal Council? What projects à la 'the State may in any case better than you stupid people' would our beloved "Project Worker" Track else so in this highest office?

I mean, yes, the SVP also suggests not the extreme right-AUNS Schlüer before the Federal ...
A little decency ladies and gentlemen!

But I'm an American T-shirt and copied the following 10 election slogans for the Unity Party Sozidemokratische Switzerland for the 2011 election created, free and friendly (a hobby "project" so to speak, and I also a "project workers" bin!):

10th We are fighting for more government and less bitter civil

9th We do not destroy the independence of Switzerland: we just love to just look at the National Museum as an exhibit

8th If you want us to take you seriously, pull out to Brussels or Berlin

7th One day all this will not you include!

6th One in three marriages ends in divorce, every two hours aborted a child, every day get free heroin addicts in 1200 by the state - that's great progress as not?

5th Please choose us! None of us can exist out there in the real world job here!

4th What did the founders of modern Switzerland in 1848 at? Yes, the anti-racism legislation. Namely!

third We reduce the biological footprint the Swiss, by weakening the economy job to job ...

second Switzerland: we want to experience how it will end!

first We want to improve everything in this Switzerland, except for the Swiss!

What do you think love barroom brawler? Who should be the Federal Council? And we can not decide when the 249 electors in vain Parliament?


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