The nail house will not go, the riding school will not go away, and foreigners are allowed to continue to vote then anywhere else.
Why exactly should not be allowed to participate in non-Swiss in the decisions at the place where they lived for 10 years? One could ... Discuss the other hand, the vote of the people is to accept the most confused and co-meddling. Also would be expected that those foreign stock, which at their residence to involve himself in the living together is hardly a sozialschmarotzenden left and extreme caste belongs , so would Mr. Lüdenscheidt and Ms. Petkovic certainly valuable get involved - ah, yes ... it will not stop be!

this purpose has probably Toni Brunner probably read along with my blog last week if he is now in the SCO (= Sunday newspaper,
as appropriate: the Socialist newspaper from the weekend home Tamedia ...) the reflection hires, I worship in the last comments:
The People's Party as the strongest political force in the country could be partners for a new Federal clinics that content fits together (content-concordance) and the Parliament before the election shall : Lotto in the banquet room We have it all together with the FDP and the CVP components and can provide seven federal councilors. And
if Parliament so chooses not to remain that the SP as the second largest force (or FDP and CVP together as a big power center) tries to such.
We have had enough! SVP and SP / Green can simply not together. those fault (such as Urs Paul Engeler wrote in the World week) better off the hand as they would overcome their differences and each other in the Federal Council Federal
choose . Why force them?
This Parliament, the current has failed to do enough of concordance by - admittedly, in the difficult political situation in which we find ourselves - at least, would have at least an arithmetic prepared after themselves, voluntarily and intentionally with the Bloch-selection, a problem has done to solve it is not in a position clearly. Instead , FDP and SP have each other before the election year one each seat Federal Council approved Schache
rt .
And already makes use of the powerful mid-loud about how they could still get around about choosing a real SVPler as the Federal Council (by leaving under creep Widmer-Schlumpf in CVP or so).
Well, because: bring it on! We, the people, look forward to an exciting election year and much more interesting conclusions that the then especially will attract new and hopefully wiser Parliament from the results. It was not expected to change much to the voter shares of each party, the white child. Every child but also understand that when one out of three Voters for one party agrees to this then absolutely n
maybe part of it can, as this is our country is run, it could easily be that third evil among us and ask: I still live in a democracy? , indeed the oldest and perhaps the best, or not? How much power, the Parliament? And it's clever, that it has so much power and can be located at will on what is called concordance for the spring fashion right now?

And who argued that voting in Switzerland, 70% not SVP: vote yes, but then be honest and say we non-SPler would also be happy to stay with us and have out your ideas, you have to look at it myself. That would at least be honest and open. Then they must expect that the people would vote in future make up his cabinet ministers. And those for about 10 years transition, and mocked as a "national right" stigmatized will have to fight successfully, no doubt. In the cantons that works so well: cantonal governments are elected by proportional representation from the people. Why should there not working in small to global conditions in Switzerland, then?
is fact: Blocher would be about 10 years since Federal . And Mrs. Schlumpf still on the mountain. Lotto in the banquet room!
Let us be brave! And we help the best approach to break through that our beautiful country to receive prosperity, social peace secured, its traditions and its stability, are created in the proud independence does not deny, and its citizens the highest degree of freedom, dignity and self-realization offers!
do not be afraid!