It is incredible Around 2, 5 years ago I was looking forward to this blog (? Too naive) about the election of Ricardo Lumengo in the National And I did - much to me without taking into think - an at that time still innocent statement
"... when I met him recently in the Jus-library. No joke: he was just
the choice list to be completed ... "
Today we know that at this moment I may just witnessed a offense was ! The Jus-Biblio virtually the crime scene!
Was it really a pure coincidence that fill the first and only time in my life where I meet Ricardo Lumengo, this is just about HIS list for the general election?
Or was the list which I have seen, may not even be his own? But one of 10, 50, 100 or possibly even 11,000 foreign lists, which he for the poor, has the complex election process, calling on voters in a selfless sacrifice kindly filled in the same yourself?
or exceed it but that Lumengo his "help" fill in the list only at the Grand Council elections in 2006, but not offered before the national elections of 2007? A related criminal cases is said to have been already set.
many questions, we will probably never know the answer. But the truth is known to be out there somewhere ...