For New Year's I found time to read the New Year edition of the collar. Spontaneous anger and enough time has led me n to be accompanied by the sounds of the Vienna New Year Concert , an L eserbrief to write me little wan editorial of the Executive Editor . The letter was from my delight in the edition 4 published in January in full length :
"In reading I had to sometimes ask if I really look back to an" independent liberal daily newspaper read or if I had instead a social democratic propaganda magazine in front of me. The lack of Switzerland's membership in the EU regrets, opponents of accession - or so it suggests - would understand their country as "self-contained, insular entity."
The military must be saved to continue naturally. Perhaps this is true. That budgets but more than five times for social care or health issue and that, in light of a huge, growing government debt mountain would be here to think of saving measures, is not a word mentioned. But the author can be carried away to a more violent tirade against the Swiss tax competition.
More true to the (unsuccessful) campaign Socialist maxim primarily to pursue policies against Blocher and his party will be held responsible for the "erosion of the Swiss" with all matter of course primarily the SVP. As a victim of the defendant Samuel Schmid increasing Anpöbelungen and death threats are then seemingly randomly, only the SVP for obvious reasons, little wan Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf and called Lucrezia Meier-Schatz, although in its communications, but expressly Schmid emphasized that all members of the government are faced with this problem. This cliché to be served, which - as mentioned above - are similar in style more like a propaganda piece for the editorial in a neutral newspaper: The People's Party is raising a "claim to sole representation for the people" wanted "to Switzerland barricade again," is, accept xenophobic and "the political opponents "not as people.
from a newspaper such as the "Bund" I would wish for the new year in favor of sober objectivity somewhat less ideologically-editorial "
Lustig. My contribution is between two letters to reveal themselves to be (left?) adherents of the Executive Editor. For the readership of the collar - I think - producing a profit when the reactions are not entirely to the editorial by consenting nature.